class Rack::Lint::Wrapper

def check_rack_protocol_header(status, headers)

# ==== The +rack.protocol+ Header
def check_rack_protocol_header(status, headers)
  ## If the +rack.protocol+ header is present, it must be a +String+, and
  ## must be one of the values from the +rack.protocol+ array from the
  ## environment.
  protocol = headers['rack.protocol']
  if protocol
    request_protocols = @env['rack.protocol']
    if request_protocols.nil?
      raise LintError, "rack.protocol header is #{protocol.inspect}, but rack.protocol was not set in request!"
    elsif !request_protocols.include?(protocol)
      raise LintError, "rack.protocol header is #{protocol.inspect}, but should be one of #{request_protocols.inspect} from the request!"