require 'rails/generators/active_model' module Rails module Generators # Deal with controller names on scaffold and add some helpers to deal with # ActiveModel. # module ResourceHelpers mattr_accessor :skip_warn def self.included(base) #:nodoc: base.class_option :force_plural, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Forces the use of a plural ModelName" end # Set controller variables on initialization. # def initialize(*args) #:nodoc: super if name == name.pluralize && name.singularize != name.pluralize && !options[:force_plural] unless ResourceHelpers.skip_warn say "Plural version of the model detected, using singularized version. Override with --force-plural." ResourceHelpers.skip_warn = true end name.replace name.singularize assign_names!(name) end @controller_name = name.pluralize end protected attr_reader :controller_name def controller_class_path @class_path end def controller_file_name @controller_file_name ||= file_name.pluralize end def controller_file_path @controller_file_path ||= (controller_class_path + [controller_file_name]).join('/') end def controller_class_name @controller_class_name ||= (controller_class_path + [controller_file_name]).map!{ |m| m.camelize }.join('::') end def controller_i18n_scope @controller_i18n_scope ||= controller_file_path.gsub('/', '.') end # Loads the ORM::Generators::ActiveModel class. This class is responsable # to tell scaffold entities how to generate an specific method for the # ORM. Check Rails::Generators::ActiveModel for more information. def orm_class @orm_class ||= begin # Raise an error if the class_option :orm was not defined. unless self.class.class_options[:orm] raise "You need to have :orm as class option to invoke orm_class and orm_instance" end begin "#{options[:orm].to_s.classify}::Generators::ActiveModel".constantize rescue NameError => e Rails::Generators::ActiveModel end end end # Initialize ORM::Generators::ActiveModel to access instance methods. def orm_instance(name=singular_table_name) @orm_instance ||= end end end end