class Rails::SourceAnnotationExtractor

def self.enumerate(tag = nil, options = {})

This class method is the single entry point for the rails notes command.

See SourceAnnotationExtractor#find_in for a list of file extensions that will be taken into account.

If +options+ has a :tag flag, it will be passed to each annotation's +to_s+.

Rails::SourceAnnotationExtractor.enumerate 'TODO|FIXME', dirs: %w(app lib), tag: true

Specific directories can be explicitly set using the :dirs key in +options+.

If +tag+ is nil, annotations with either default or registered tags are printed.

+config+, +db+, +lib+, and +test+ (recursively).
Prints all annotations with tag +tag+ under the root directories +app+,
def self.enumerate(tag = nil, options = {})
  tag ||= Annotation.tags.join("|")
  extractor = new(tag)
  dirs = options.delete(:dirs) || Annotation.directories
  extractor.display(extractor.find(dirs), options)