class Pinnacle::CompanyContact

def self.from_json(json_object:)

  • (Pinnacle::CompanyContact) -

  • json_object (String) --
def self.from_json(json_object:)
  struct = JSON.parse(json_object, object_class: OpenStruct)
  parsed_json = JSON.parse(json_object)
  primary_website_url = parsed_json["primaryWebsiteUrl"]
  primary_website_label = parsed_json["primaryWebsiteLabel"]
  primary_phone = parsed_json["primaryPhone"]
  primary_phone_label = parsed_json["primaryPhoneLabel"]
  primary_email = parsed_json["primaryEmail"]
  primary_email_label = parsed_json["primaryEmailLabel"]
  privacy_policy_url = parsed_json["privacyPolicyUrl"]
  tos_url = parsed_json["tosUrl"]
    primary_website_url: primary_website_url,
    primary_website_label: primary_website_label,
    primary_phone: primary_phone,
    primary_phone_label: primary_phone_label,
    primary_email: primary_email,
    primary_email_label: primary_email_label,
    privacy_policy_url: privacy_policy_url,
    tos_url: tos_url,
    additional_properties: struct

def self.validate_raw(obj:)

  • (Void) -

  • obj (Object) --
def self.validate_raw(obj:)
  obj.primary_website_url.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_website_url is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_website_label.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_website_label is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_phone.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_phone is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_phone_label.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_phone_label is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_email.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_email is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_email_label.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_email_label is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.privacy_policy_url.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.privacy_policy_url is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.tos_url.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.tos_url is not the expected type, validation failed.")

def initialize(primary_website_url:, primary_website_label:, primary_phone:, primary_phone_label:, primary_email:,

  • (Pinnacle::CompanyContact) -

  • additional_properties (OpenStruct) -- Additional properties unmapped to the current class definition
  • tos_url (String) -- URL of the terms of service.
  • privacy_policy_url (String) -- URL of the privacy policy.
  • primary_email_label (String) -- Label for the primary email address.
  • primary_email (String) -- Primary email address.
  • primary_phone_label (String) -- Label for the primary phone number.
  • primary_phone (String) -- Primary phone number in international format.
  • primary_website_label (String) -- Label for the primary website.
  • primary_website_url (String) -- Primary website URL.
def initialize(primary_website_url:, primary_website_label:, primary_phone:, primary_phone_label:, primary_email:,
               primary_email_label:, privacy_policy_url:, tos_url:, additional_properties: nil)
  @primary_website_url = primary_website_url
  @primary_website_label = primary_website_label
  @primary_phone = primary_phone
  @primary_phone_label = primary_phone_label
  @primary_email = primary_email
  @primary_email_label = primary_email_label
  @privacy_policy_url = privacy_policy_url
  @tos_url = tos_url
  @additional_properties = additional_properties
  @_field_set = {
    "primaryWebsiteUrl": primary_website_url,
    "primaryWebsiteLabel": primary_website_label,
    "primaryPhone": primary_phone,
    "primaryPhoneLabel": primary_phone_label,
    "primaryEmail": primary_email,
    "primaryEmailLabel": primary_email_label,
    "privacyPolicyUrl": privacy_policy_url,
    "tosUrl": tos_url

def to_json(*_args)

  • (String) -
def to_json(*_args)