class Pinnacle::CompanyContact

def self.validate_raw(obj:)

  • (Void) -

  • obj (Object) --
def self.validate_raw(obj:)
  obj.primary_website_url.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_website_url is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_website_label.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_website_label is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_phone.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_phone is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_phone_label.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_phone_label is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_email.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_email is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.primary_email_label.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.primary_email_label is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.privacy_policy_url.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.privacy_policy_url is not the expected type, validation failed.")
  obj.tos_url.is_a?(String) != false || raise("Passed value for field obj.tos_url is not the expected type, validation failed.")