class Roda::RodaPlugins::TypecastParams::Params

def convert!(keys=nil, opts=OPTS)

conversions below
:symbolize :: Convert any string keys in the resulting hash and for any
present in the params.
:skip_missing :: If set to true, does not store values if the key is not
:raise :: If set to false, do not raise errors for missing keys

the options hash. Options:
or nil to convert the current object. If +keys+ is given as a hash, it is used as
including conversions of subkeys. +keys+ should be an array of subkeys to access,
Captures conversions inside the given block, and returns a hash of all conversions,
def convert!(keys=nil, opts=OPTS)
  if keys.is_a?(Hash)
    opts = keys
    keys = nil
  _capture!(:nested_params, opts) do
    if sub = subkey(Array(keys).dup, opts.fetch(:raise, true))
      yield sub