class Rouge::CLI::Highlight

def self.doc

def self.doc
  return enum_for(:doc) unless block_given?
  yield %[usage: rougify highlight <filename> [options...]]
  yield %[       rougify highlight [options...]]
  yield %[]
  yield %[--input-file|-i <filename>  specify a file to read, or - to use stdin]
  yield %[]
  yield %[--lexer|-l <lexer>          specify the lexer to use.]
  yield %[                            If not provided, rougify will try to guess]
  yield %[                            based on --mimetype, the filename, and the]
  yield %[                            file contents.]
  yield %[]
  yield %[--mimetype|-m <mimetype>    specify a mimetype for lexer guessing]
  yield %[]
  yield %[--lexer-opts|-L <opts>      specify lexer options in CGI format]
  yield %[                            (opt1=val1&opt2=val2)]
  yield %[]
  yield %[--formatter-opts|-F <opts>  specify formatter options in CGI format]
  yield %[                            (opt1=val1&opt2=val2)]