class Zip::ExtraField::Zip64

Info-ZIP Extra for Zip64 size

def ==(other)

def ==(other)
  other.original_size == @original_size &&
    other.compressed_size == @compressed_size &&
    other.relative_header_offset == @relative_header_offset &&
    other.disk_start_number == @disk_start_number

def extract(size, format)

def extract(size, format)
  @content.slice!(0, size).unpack1(format)

def initialize(binstr = nil)

def initialize(binstr = nil)
  # unparsed binary; we don't actually know what this contains
  # without looking for FFs in the associated file header
  # call parse after initializing with a binary string
  @content                = nil
  @original_size          = nil
  @compressed_size        = nil
  @relative_header_offset = nil
  @disk_start_number      = nil
  binstr && merge(binstr)

def merge(binstr)

def merge(binstr)
  return if binstr.empty?
  _, @content = initial_parse(binstr)

def pack_for_c_dir

def pack_for_c_dir
  # central directory entries contain only fields that didn't fit in the main entry part
  packed = ''.force_encoding('BINARY')
  packed << [@original_size].pack('Q<') if @original_size
  packed << [@compressed_size].pack('Q<') if @compressed_size
  packed << [@relative_header_offset].pack('Q<') if @relative_header_offset
  packed << [@disk_start_number].pack('V') if @disk_start_number

def pack_for_local

def pack_for_local
  # local header entries must contain original size and compressed size; other fields do not apply
  return '' unless @original_size && @compressed_size
  [@original_size, @compressed_size].pack('Q<Q<')

def parse(original_size, compressed_size, relative_header_offset = nil, disk_start_number = nil)

returns the final values for the four attributes (from the base or zip64 extra record)
wider values are only present in the extra field for base values set to all FFs
pass the values from the base entry (if applicable)
def parse(original_size, compressed_size, relative_header_offset = nil, disk_start_number = nil)
  @original_size = extract(8, 'Q<') if original_size == 0xFFFFFFFF
  @compressed_size = extract(8, 'Q<') if compressed_size == 0xFFFFFFFF
  @relative_header_offset = extract(8, 'Q<') if relative_header_offset && relative_header_offset == 0xFFFFFFFF
  @disk_start_number = extract(4, 'V') if disk_start_number && disk_start_number == 0xFFFF
  @content = nil
  [@original_size || original_size,
   @compressed_size || compressed_size,
   @relative_header_offset || relative_header_offset,
   @disk_start_number || disk_start_number]