class Zip::File
def add(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc)
def add(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc) continue_on_exists_proc ||= proc { ::Zip.continue_on_exists_proc } check_entry_exists(entry, continue_on_exists_proc, 'add') new_entry = entry.kind_of?(::Zip::Entry) ? entry :, entry.to_s) new_entry.gather_fileinfo_from_srcpath(src_path) new_entry.dirty = true @entry_set << new_entry end
def add_buffer
def add_buffer io ='') zf =, true, true) yield zf zf.write_buffer(io) end
def add_stored(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc)
Convenience method for adding the contents of a file to the archive
def add_stored(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc) entry =, entry.to_s, nil, nil, nil, nil, ::Zip::Entry::STORED) add(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc) end
def check_entry_exists(entry_name, continue_on_exists_proc, proc_name)
def check_entry_exists(entry_name, continue_on_exists_proc, proc_name) continue_on_exists_proc ||= proc { Zip.continue_on_exists_proc } return unless @entry_set.include?(entry_name) if remove get_entry(entry_name) else raise ::Zip::EntryExistsError, proc_name + " failed. Entry #{entry_name} already exists" end end
def check_file(path)
def check_file(path) raise Errno::ENOENT, path unless ::File.readable?(path) end
def close
def close commit end
def commit
Commits changes that has been made since the previous commit to
def commit return if name.kind_of?(StringIO) || !commit_required? on_success_replace do |tmp_file| do |zos| @entry_set.each do |e| e.write_to_zip_output_stream(zos) e.dirty = false e.clean_up end zos.comment = comment end true end initialize(name) end
def commit_required?
Returns true if any changes has been made to this archive since
def commit_required? @entry_set.each do |e| return true if e.dirty end @comment != @stored_comment || @entry_set != @stored_entries || @create end
def directory?(new_entry, src_path)
def directory?(new_entry, src_path) path_is_directory = if && !path_is_directory raise ArgumentError, "entry name '#{new_entry}' indicates directory entry, but " \ "'#{src_path}' is not a directory" elsif ! && path_is_directory += '/' end && path_is_directory end
def extract(entry, dest_path, &block)
def extract(entry, dest_path, &block) block ||= proc { ::Zip.on_exists_proc } found_entry = get_entry(entry) found_entry.extract(dest_path, &block) end
def find_entry(entry_name)
Searches for entry with the specified name. Returns nil if
def find_entry(entry_name) selected_entry = @entry_set.find_entry(entry_name) return if selected_entry.nil? selected_entry.restore_ownership = @restore_ownership selected_entry.restore_permissions = @restore_permissions selected_entry.restore_times = @restore_times selected_entry end
def foreach(zip_file_name, &block)
local entry headers (which contain the same information as the
whereas ZipInputStream jumps through the entire archive accessing the
through the entries in the central directory structure in the archive
than using a ZipInputStream since this methods simply iterates
Iterates over the contents of the ZipFile. This is more efficient
def foreach(zip_file_name, &block) do |zip_file| zip_file.each(&block) end end
def get_entry(entry)
Searches for an entry just as find_entry, but throws Errno::ENOENT
def get_entry(entry) selected_entry = find_entry(entry) raise Errno::ENOENT, entry if selected_entry.nil? selected_entry end
def get_input_stream(entry, &a_proc)
the stream object is passed to the block and the stream is automatically
Returns an input stream to the specified entry. If a block is passed
def get_input_stream(entry, &a_proc) get_entry(entry).get_input_stream(&a_proc) end
def get_output_stream(entry, permission_int = nil, comment = nil,
the stream is automatically closed afterwards just as with ruby's builtin
specified. If a block is passed the stream object is passed to the block and
of Zip::Entry, a new Zip::Entry will be initialized using the arguments
Returns an output stream to the specified entry. If entry is not an instance
def get_output_stream(entry, permission_int = nil, comment = nil, extra = nil, compressed_size = nil, crc = nil, compression_method = nil, size = nil, time = nil, &a_proc) new_entry = if entry.kind_of?(Entry) entry else, entry.to_s, comment, extra, compressed_size, crc, compression_method, size, time) end if raise ArgumentError, "cannot open stream to directory entry - '#{new_entry}'" end new_entry.unix_perms = permission_int zip_streamable_entry = @entry_set << zip_streamable_entry zip_streamable_entry.get_output_stream(&a_proc) end
def get_partial_zip_file_name(zip_file_name, partial_zip_file_name)
def get_partial_zip_file_name(zip_file_name, partial_zip_file_name) unless partial_zip_file_name.nil? partial_zip_file_name = zip_file_name.sub(/#{::File.basename(zip_file_name)}\z/, partial_zip_file_name + ::File.extname(zip_file_name)) end partial_zip_file_name ||= zip_file_name partial_zip_file_name end
def get_segment_count_for_split(zip_file_size, segment_size)
def get_segment_count_for_split(zip_file_size, segment_size) (zip_file_size / segment_size).to_i + (zip_file_size % segment_size == 0 ? 0 : 1) end
def get_segment_size_for_split(segment_size)
def get_segment_size_for_split(segment_size) if MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE > segment_size MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE elsif MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE < segment_size MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE else segment_size end end
def glob(*args, &block)
def glob(*args, &block) @entry_set.glob(*args, &block) end
def initialize(path_or_io, create = false, buffer = false, options = {})
Opens a zip archive. Pass true as the second parameter to create
def initialize(path_or_io, create = false, buffer = false, options = {}) super() options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @name = path_or_io.respond_to?(:path) ? path_or_io.path : path_or_io @comment = '' @create = create ? true : false # allow any truthy value to mean true if ::File.size?(@name.to_s) # There is a file, which exists, that is associated with this zip. @create = false @file_permissions = ::File.stat(@name).mode if buffer read_from_stream(path_or_io) else, 'rb') do |f| read_from_stream(f) end end elsif buffer && path_or_io.size > 0 # This zip is probably a non-empty StringIO. read_from_stream(path_or_io) elsif @create # This zip is completely new/empty and is to be created. @entry_set = elsif # A file exists, but it is empty. raise Error, "File #{@name} has zero size. Did you mean to pass the create flag?" else # Everything is wrong. raise Error, "File #{@name} not found" end @stored_entries = @entry_set.dup @stored_comment = @comment @restore_ownership = options[:restore_ownership] @restore_permissions = options[:restore_permissions] @restore_times = options[:restore_times] end
def mkdir(entry_name, permission = 0o755)
def mkdir(entry_name, permission = 0o755) raise Errno::EEXIST, "File exists - #{entry_name}" if find_entry(entry_name) entry_name = entry_name.dup.to_s entry_name << '/' unless entry_name.end_with?('/') @entry_set <<, entry_name, nil, permission) end
def on_success_replace
def on_success_replace dirname, basename = ::File.split(name) ::Dir::Tmpname.create(basename, dirname) do |tmp_filename| begin if yield tmp_filename ::File.rename(tmp_filename, name) ::File.chmod(@file_permissions, name) unless @create end ensure ::File.unlink(tmp_filename) if ::File.exist?(tmp_filename) end end end
def open(file_name, create = false, options = {})
to the block and is automatically closed afterwards, just as with
Similar to ::new. If a block is passed the Zip::File object is passed
def open(file_name, create = false, options = {}) zf =, create, false, options) return zf unless block_given? begin yield zf ensure zf.close end end
def open_buffer(io, options = {})
(This can be used to extract data from a
stream, and outputs data to a buffer.
Like #open, but reads zip archive contents from a String or open IO
def open_buffer(io, options = {}) unless { |method| io.respond_to?(method) }.all? || io.kind_of?(String) raise "Zip::File.open_buffer expects a String or IO-like argument (responds to #{IO_METHODS.join(', ')}). Found: #{io.class}" end io = if io.kind_of?(::String) # io.binmode if io.respond_to?(:binmode) zf =, true, true, options) return zf unless block_given? yield zf begin zf.write_buffer(io) rescue IOError => e raise unless e.message == 'not opened for writing' end end
def put_split_signature(szip_file, segment_size)
def put_split_signature(szip_file, segment_size) signature_packed = [SPLIT_SIGNATURE].pack('V') szip_file << signature_packed segment_size - signature_packed.size end
def read(entry)
def read(entry) get_input_stream(entry, &:read) end
def remove(entry)
def remove(entry) @entry_set.delete(get_entry(entry)) end
def rename(entry, new_name, &continue_on_exists_proc)
def rename(entry, new_name, &continue_on_exists_proc) found_entry = get_entry(entry) check_entry_exists(new_name, continue_on_exists_proc, 'rename') @entry_set.delete(found_entry) = new_name @entry_set << found_entry end
def replace(entry, src_path)
Replaces the specified entry with the contents of src_path (from
def replace(entry, src_path) check_file(src_path) remove(entry) add(entry, src_path) end
def save_splited_part(zip_file, partial_zip_file_name, zip_file_size, szip_file_index, segment_size, segment_count)
TODO: Make the code more understandable
def save_splited_part(zip_file, partial_zip_file_name, zip_file_size, szip_file_index, segment_size, segment_count) ssegment_size = zip_file_size - zip_file.pos ssegment_size = segment_size if ssegment_size > segment_size szip_file_name = "#{partial_zip_file_name}.#{format('%03d', szip_file_index)}", 'wb') do |szip_file| if szip_file_index == 1 ssegment_size = put_split_signature(szip_file, segment_size) end chunk_bytes = 0 until ssegment_size == chunk_bytes || zip_file.eof? segment_bytes_left = ssegment_size - chunk_bytes buffer_size = segment_bytes_left < DATA_BUFFER_SIZE ? segment_bytes_left : DATA_BUFFER_SIZE chunk = chunk_bytes += buffer_size szip_file << chunk # Info for track splitting yield segment_count, szip_file_index, chunk_bytes, ssegment_size if block_given? end end end
def split(zip_file_name, segment_size = MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, delete_zip_file = true, partial_zip_file_name = nil)
def split(zip_file_name, segment_size = MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, delete_zip_file = true, partial_zip_file_name = nil) raise Error, "File #{zip_file_name} not found" unless ::File.exist?(zip_file_name) raise Errno::ENOENT, zip_file_name unless ::File.readable?(zip_file_name) zip_file_size = ::File.size(zip_file_name) segment_size = get_segment_size_for_split(segment_size) return if zip_file_size <= segment_size segment_count = get_segment_count_for_split(zip_file_size, segment_size) # Checking for correct zip structure {} partial_zip_file_name = get_partial_zip_file_name(zip_file_name, partial_zip_file_name) szip_file_index = 0, 'rb') do |zip_file| until zip_file.eof? szip_file_index += 1 save_splited_part(zip_file, partial_zip_file_name, zip_file_size, szip_file_index, segment_size, segment_count) end end ::File.delete(zip_file_name) if delete_zip_file szip_file_index end
def to_s
def to_s @name end
def write_buffer(io =''))
def write_buffer(io ='')) ::Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer(io) do |zos| @entry_set.each { |e| e.write_to_zip_output_stream(zos) } zos.comment = comment end end