module Sus::Context
def self.extended(base)
def self.extended(base) base.children = end
def add(child)
def add(child) @children[child.identity] = child end
def after(&hook)
After hooks are usually invoked in the reverse order they are defined, i.e. the last defined hook is invoked first.
Include an around method to the context class, that invokes the given block after running the test.
def after(&hook) wrapper = wrapper.define_method(:after) do |error| instance_exec(error, &hook) rescue => error raise ensure super(error) end self.include(wrapper) end
def around(&block)
The top level `around` implementation invokes before and after hooks.
Around hooks are called in the reverse order they are defined.
Add an around hook to the context class.
def around(&block) wrapper = wrapper.define_method(:around, &block) self.include(wrapper) end
def before(&hook)
Before hooks are usually invoked in the order they are defined, i.e. the first defined hook is invoked first.
Include an around method to the context class, that invokes the given block before running the test.
def before(&hook) wrapper = wrapper.define_method(:before) do super() instance_exec(&hook) end self.include(wrapper) end
def call(assertions)
def call(assertions) return if self.empty? assertions.nested(self) do |assertions| self.children.each do |identity, child| end end end
def describe(subject, **options, &block)
def describe(subject, **options, &block) add, subject, **options, &block) end
def each(&block)
def each(&block) self.children.each do |identity, child| if child.leaf? yield child else child.each(&block) end end end
def empty?
def empty? @children.nil? || @children.empty? end
def file(path)
def file(path) add, path) end
def full_name
def full_name output = print(output) return output.string end
def include_context(shared, *arguments, **options)
@parameter arguments [Array] The arguments to pass to the shared context.
@parameter shared [Sus::Shared] The shared context to include.
Include a shared context into the current context, along with any arguments or options.
def include_context(shared, *arguments, **options) self.class_exec(*arguments, **options, &shared.block) end
def inspect
def inspect if description = self.description "\#<#{ || "Context"} #{self.description}>" else end end
def it(...)
def it(...) add, ...) end
def it_behaves_like(shared, *arguments, **options, &block)
def it_behaves_like(shared, *arguments, **options, &block) add, shared, arguments, **options, &block) end
def leaf?
def leaf? false end
def let(name, &block)
def let(name, &block) instance_variable = :"@#{name}" self.define_method(name) do if self.instance_variable_defined?(instance_variable) return self.instance_variable_get(instance_variable) else self.instance_variable_set(instance_variable, self.instance_exec(&block)) end end end
def print(output)
def print(output) output.write("context ", :context, self.description, :reset) end
def set_temporary_name(name)
def set_temporary_name(name) # No-op. end
def to_s
def to_s (self.description || end
def with(subject = nil, unique: true, **variables, &block)
def with(subject = nil, unique: true, **variables, &block) subject ||= variables.inspect add, subject, variables, unique: unique, &block) end