class Sus::Config
def self.load(root: Dir.pwd, arguments: ARGV)
def self.load(root: Dir.pwd, arguments: ARGV) derived = if path = self.path(root) config = config.module_eval(, path) derived.prepend(config) end options = { verbose: !!arguments.delete("--verbose") } return, arguments, **options) end
def self.path(root)
def self.path(root) path = ::File.join(root, PATH) if ::File.exist?(path) return path end end
def add_default_load_paths
def add_default_load_paths add_load_path("lib") add_load_path("fixtures") end
def add_load_path(path)
def add_load_path(path) path = ::File.expand_path(path, @root) if $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) end end
def after_tests(assertions, output: self.output)
def after_tests(assertions, output: self.output) @clock.stop! self.print_summary(output, assertions) end
def before_tests(assertions, output: self.output)
def before_tests(assertions, output: self.output) @clock.reset! @clock.start! prepare_warnings! end
def initialize(root, paths, verbose: false)
def initialize(root, paths, verbose: false) @root = root @paths = paths @verbose = verbose @clock = self.add_default_load_paths end
def load_registry(paths = @paths)
def load_registry(paths = @paths) registry = make_registry if paths&.any? registry = paths.each do |path| registry.load(path) end else test_paths.each do |path| registry.load(path) end end return registry end
def make_registry
def make_registry @root) end
def output
def output @output ||= Sus::Output.default end
def partial?
def partial? @paths.any? end
def prepare_warnings!
def prepare_warnings! Warning[:deprecated] = true end
def print_assertions(output, title, assertions)
def print_assertions(output, title, assertions) if assertions.any? output.puts output.puts title assertions.each do |assertion| output.append(assertion.output) end end end
def print_failed_assertions(output, assertions)
def print_failed_assertions(output, assertions) print_assertions(output, "🤔 Failed assertions:", assertions.failed) print_assertions(output, "🔥 Errored assertions:", assertions.errored) end
def print_finished_statistics(output, assertions)
def print_finished_statistics(output, assertions) duration = @clock.duration rate = assertions.count / duration output.puts "🏁 Finished in ", @clock, "; #{rate.round(3)} assertions per second." end
def print_slow_tests(output, assertions, threshold = 0.1)
def print_slow_tests(output, assertions, threshold = 0.1) slowest_tests ={|test| test.clock > threshold}.sort_by(&:clock).reverse! if slowest_tests.empty? output.puts "🐇 No slow tests found! Well done!" else output.puts "🐢 Slow tests:" slowest_tests.each do |test| output.puts "\t", :variable, test.clock, :reset, ": ", end end end
def print_summary(output, assertions)
def print_summary(output, assertions) assertions.print(output) output.puts print_finished_statistics(output, assertions) if !partial? and assertions.passed? print_test_feedback(output, assertions) end print_slow_tests(output, assertions) print_failed_assertions(output, assertions) end
def print_test_feedback(output, assertions)
def print_test_feedback(output, assertions) duration = @clock.duration rate = assertions.count / duration total = count = assertions.count if total < 10 or count < 10 output.puts "😭 You should write more tests and assertions!" # Statistics will be less meaningful with such a small amount of data, so give up: return end # Check whether there is at least, on average, one assertion (or more) per test: assertions_per_test = assertions.count / if assertions_per_test < 1.0 output.puts "😩 Your tests don't have enough assertions (#{assertions_per_test.round(1)} < 1.0)!" end # Give some feedback about the number of tests: if total < 20 output.puts "🥲 You should write more tests (#{total}/20)!" elsif total < 50 output.puts "🙂 Your test suite is starting to shape up, keep on at it (#{total}/50)!" elsif total < 100 output.puts "😀 Your test suite is maturing, keep on at it (#{total}/100)!" else output.puts "🤩 Your test suite is amazing!" end # Give some feedback about the performance of the tests: if rate < 10.0 output.puts "💔 Ouch! Your test suite performance is painful (#{rate.round(1)} < 10)!" elsif rate < 100.0 output.puts "💩 Oops! Your test suite performance could be better (#{rate.round(1)} < 100)!" elsif rate < 1_000.0 output.puts "💪 Good job! Your test suite has good performance (#{rate.round(1)} < 1000)!" elsif rate < 10_000.0 output.puts "🎉 Great job! Your test suite has excellent performance (#{rate.round(1)} < 10000)!" else output.puts "🔥 Wow! Your test suite has outstanding performance (#{rate.round(1)} >= 10000.0)!" end end
def registry
def registry @registry ||= self.load_registry end
def test_paths
def test_paths return Dir.glob(DEFAULT_TEST_PATTERN, base: @root) end
def verbose?
def verbose? @verbose end