class SyntaxTree::Binary
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/syntax_tree/node.rbs class SyntaxTree::Binary < SyntaxTree::Node def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> untyped def child_nodes: () -> untyped type SyntaxTree__Binary_initialize_right = SyntaxTree::Paren | SyntaxTree::StringLiteral | SyntaxTree::Int | SyntaxTree::VarRef def initialize: (left: (SyntaxTree::Paren | SyntaxTree::VarRef), operator: Symbol, right: SyntaxTree__Binary_initialize_right, location: SyntaxTree::Location) -> void end
array << value
but can also be something like pushing a value onto an array:
1 + 1
operator in between. This can be something that looks like a mathematical
Binary represents any expression that involves two sub-expressions with an
def ===(other)
def ===(other) other.is_a?(Binary) && left === other.left && operator === other.operator && right === other.right end
def accept(visitor)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 5 samples from 1 application.
def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_binary(self) end
def child_nodes
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def child_nodes: () -> untyped
This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.
def child_nodes [left, right] end
def copy(left: nil, operator: nil, right: nil, location: nil)
def copy(left: nil, operator: nil, right: nil, location: nil) node = left: left || self.left, operator: operator || self.operator, right: right || self.right, location: location || self.location ) node.comments.concat( node end
def deconstruct_keys(_keys)
def deconstruct_keys(_keys) { left: left, operator: operator, right: right, location: location, comments: comments } end
def format(q)
def format(q) left = self.left power = operator == :** do { q.format(left) } q.text(" ") unless power if operator != :<< do q.text( q.indent do power ? q.breakable_empty : q.breakable_space q.format(right) end end elsif left.is_a?(Binary) && left.operator == :<< do q.text( q.indent do power ? q.breakable_empty : q.breakable_space q.format(right) end end else q.text("<< ") q.format(right) end end end
def initialize(left:, operator:, right:, location:)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
type SyntaxTree__Binary_initialize_right = SyntaxTree::Paren | SyntaxTree::StringLiteral | SyntaxTree::Int | SyntaxTree::VarRef def initialize: (left: (SyntaxTree::Paren | SyntaxTree::VarRef), operator: Symbol, right: SyntaxTree__Binary_initialize_right, location: SyntaxTree::Location) -> void
This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.
def initialize(left:, operator:, right:, location:) @left = left @operator = operator @right = right @location = location @comments = [] end
def name
def name to_s.freeze end