class SyntaxTree::YARV::Decompiler
walking through it to generate equivalent Ruby code.
This class is responsible for taking a compiled instruction sequence and
def decompile(iseq)
def decompile(iseq) label = :label_0 clauses = {} clause = [] iseq.insns.each do |insn| case insn when InstructionSequence::Label unless clause.last.is_a?(Next) clause << Assign(block_label.field, node_for( end clauses[label] = clause clause = [] label = when BranchIf body = [ Assign(block_label.field, node_for(, Next(Args([])) ] clause << UnlessNode(clause.pop, Statements(body), nil) when BranchUnless body = [ Assign(block_label.field, node_for(, Next(Args([])) ] clause << IfNode(clause.pop, Statements(body), nil) when Dup clause << clause.last when DupHash assocs = do |key, value| Assoc(node_for(key), node_for(value)) end clause << HashLiteral(LBrace("{"), assocs) when GetGlobal clause << VarRef(GVar( when GetLocalWC0 local = iseq.local_table.locals[insn.index] clause << VarRef(Ident( when Jump clause << Assign(block_label.field, node_for( clause << Next(Args([])) when Leave value = Args([clause.pop]) clause << (iseq.type != :top ? Break(value) : ReturnNode(value)) when OptAnd, OptDiv, OptEq, OptGE, OptGT, OptLE, OptLT, OptLTLT, OptMinus, OptMod, OptMult, OptOr, OptPlus left, right = clause.pop(2) clause << Binary(left, insn.calldata.method, right) when OptAref collection, arg = clause.pop(2) clause << ARef(collection, Args([arg])) when OptAset collection, arg, value = clause.pop(3) clause << if value.is_a?(Binary) && value.left.is_a?(ARef) && collection === value.left.collection && arg ===[0] OpAssign( ARefField(collection, Args([arg])), Op("#{value.operator}="), value.right ) else Assign(ARefField(collection, Args([arg])), value) end when OptNEq left, right = clause.pop(2) clause << Binary(left, :"!=", right) when OptSendWithoutBlock method = insn.calldata.method.to_s argc = insn.calldata.argc if insn.calldata.flag?(CallData::CALL_FCALL) if argc == 0 clause.pop clause << CallNode(nil, nil, Ident(method), Args([])) elsif argc == 1 && method.end_with?("=") _receiver, argument = clause.pop(2) clause << Assign( CallNode(nil, nil, Ident(method[0..-2]), nil), argument ) else _receiver, *arguments = clause.pop(argc + 1) clause << CallNode( nil, nil, Ident(method), ArgParen(Args(arguments)) ) end else if argc == 0 clause << CallNode(clause.pop, Period("."), Ident(method), nil) elsif argc == 1 && method.end_with?("=") receiver, argument = clause.pop(2) clause << Assign( Field(receiver, Period("."), Ident(method[0..-2])), argument ) else receiver, *arguments = clause.pop(argc + 1) clause << CallNode( receiver, Period("."), Ident(method), ArgParen(Args(arguments)) ) end end when Pop # skip when PutObject case insn.object when Float clause << FloatLiteral(insn.object.inspect) when Integer clause << Int(insn.object.inspect) else raise "Unknown object type: #{}" end when PutObjectInt2Fix0 clause << Int("0") when PutObjectInt2Fix1 clause << Int("1") when PutSelf clause << VarRef(Kw("self")) when SetGlobal target = GVar( value = clause.pop clause << if value.is_a?(Binary) && VarRef(target) === value.left OpAssign(VarField(target), Op("#{value.operator}="), value.right) else Assign(VarField(target), value) end when SetLocalWC0 target = Ident(local_name(insn.index, 0)) value = clause.pop clause << if value.is_a?(Binary) && VarRef(target) === value.left OpAssign(VarField(target), Op("#{value.operator}="), value.right) else Assign(VarField(target), value) end else raise "Unknown instruction #{insn}" end end # If there's only one clause, then we don't need a case statement, and # we can just disassemble the first clause. clauses[label] = clause return Statements(clauses.values.first) if clauses.size == 1 # Here we're going to build up a big case statement that will handle all # of the different labels. current = nil clauses.reverse_each do |current_label, current_clause| current = When( Args([node_for(current_label)]), Statements(current_clause), current ) end switch = Case(Kw("case"), block_label.ref, current) # Here we're going to make sure that any locals that were established in # the label_0 block are initialized so that scoping rules work # correctly. stack = [] locals = [] clauses[:label_0].each do |node| if node.is_a?(Assign) && && value = next if locals.include?(value) stack << Assign(, VarRef(Kw("nil"))) locals << value end end # Finally, we'll set up the initial label and loop the entire case # statement. stack << Assign(block_label.field, node_for(:label_0)) stack << MethodAddBlock( CallNode(nil, nil, Ident("loop"), Args([])), BlockNode( Kw("do"), nil, BodyStmt(Statements([switch]), nil, nil, nil, nil) ) ) Statements(stack) end
def initialize(iseq)
def initialize(iseq) @iseq = iseq @block_label ="__block_label") end
def local_name(index, level)
def local_name(index, level) current = iseq level.times { current = current.parent_iseq } current.local_table.locals[index].name.to_s end
def node_for(value)
def node_for(value) case value when Integer Int(value.to_s) when Symbol SymbolLiteral(Ident(value.to_s)) end end
def to_ruby
def to_ruby Program(decompile(iseq)) end