# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true return unless defined?(Config) && defined?(Config::VERSION) && defined?(Config.const_name) module Tapioca module Dsl module Compilers # `Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::Config` generates RBI files for classes generated by the # [`config`]( gem. # # The gem creates a `Config::Options` instance based on the settings files and/or # env variables. It then assigns this instance to a constant with a configurable name, # by default `Settings`. Application code uses methods on this constant to read off # config values. # # For a setting file like the following: # ```yaml # --- # github: # token: 12345 # client_id: 54321 # client_secret: super_secret # ``` # and a `Config` setup like: # ```ruby # Config.setup do |config| # config.const_name = "AppSettings" # end # ``` # this compiler will produce the following RBI file: # ```rbi # AppSettings = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), AppSettingsConfigOptions) # # class AppSettingsConfigOptions < ::Config::Options # sig { returns(T.untyped) } # def github; end # # sig { params(value: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } # def github=(value); end # end # ``` class Config < Compiler extend T::Sig CONFIG_OPTIONS_SUFFIX = "ConfigOptions" ConstantType = type_member { { fixed: Module } } sig { override.void } def decorate # The constant we are given is the specialized config options type option_class_name = return unless option_class_name # Grab the config constant name and the actual config constant config_constant_name = option_class_name .gsub(/#{CONFIG_OPTIONS_SUFFIX}$/, "") config_constant = Object.const_get(config_constant_name) # Look up method names from the keys of the config constant method_names = config_constant.keys return if method_names.empty? root.create_constant(config_constant_name, value: "T.let(T.unsafe(nil), #{option_class_name})") root.create_class(option_class_name, superclass_name: "::Config::Options") do |mod| # We need this to be generic only because `Config::Options` is an # enumerable and, thus, needs to redeclare the `Elem` type member. # # We declare it as a fixed member of `T.untyped` so that if anyone # enumerates the entries, we don't make any assumptions about their # types. mod.create_extend("T::Generic") mod.create_type_variable("Elem", type: "type_member", fixed: "T.untyped") method_names.each do |method_name| # Create getter method mod.create_method( method_name.to_s, return_type: "T.untyped", ) # Create setter method mod.create_method( "#{method_name}=", parameters: [create_param("value", type: "T.untyped")], return_type: "T.untyped", ) end end end class << self extend T::Sig sig { override.returns(T::Enumerable[Module]) } def gather_constants name = ::Config.const_name return [] unless Object.const_defined?(name) config_object = Object.const_get(name) options_class_name = "#{name}#{CONFIG_OPTIONS_SUFFIX}" Object.const_set(options_class_name, config_object.singleton_class) Array(config_object.singleton_class) end end end end end end