# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true return unless defined?(JsonApiClient::Resource) module Tapioca module Dsl module Compilers # `Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::JsonApiClientResource` generates RBI files for classes that inherit # [`JsonApiClient::Resource`]( # # For example, with the following classes that inherits `JsonApiClient::Resource`: # # ~~~rb # # user.rb # class User < JsonApiClient::Resource # has_many :posts # # property :name, type: :string # property :is_admin, type: :boolean, default: false # end # # # post.rb # class Post < JsonApiClient::Resource # belongs_to :user # # property :title, type: :string # end # ~~~ # # this compiler will produce RBI files with the following content: # # ~~~rbi # # user.rbi # # typed: strong # # class User # include JsonApiClientResourceGeneratedMethods # # module JsonApiClientResourceGeneratedMethods # sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # def is_admin; end # # sig { params(is_admin: T::Boolean).returns(T::Boolean) } # def is_admin=(is_admin); end # # sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) } # def name; end # # sig { params(name: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T.nilable(::String)) } # def name=(name); end # # sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Post])) } # def posts; end # # sig { params(posts: T.nilable(T::Array[Post])).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Post])) } # def posts=(posts); end # end # end # # # post.rbi # # typed: strong # # class Post # include JsonApiClientResourceGeneratedMethods # # module JsonApiClientResourceGeneratedMethods # sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) } # def title; end # # sig { params(title: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T.nilable(::String)) } # def title=(title); end # # sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) } # def user_id; end # # sig { params(user_id: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T.nilable(::String)) } # def user_id=(user_id); end # end # end # ~~~ class JsonApiClientResource < Compiler extend T::Sig ConstantType = type_member { { fixed: T.class_of(::JsonApiClient::Resource) } } sig { override.void } def decorate schema = resource_schema return if schema.nil? && constant.associations.empty? root.create_path(constant) do |k| module_name = "JsonApiClientResourceGeneratedMethods" k.create_module(module_name) do |mod| schema&.each_property do |property| generate_methods_for_property(mod, property) end constant.associations.each do |association| generate_methods_for_association(mod, association) end end k.create_include(module_name) end end class << self extend T::Sig sig { override.returns(T::Enumerable[Module]) } def gather_constants do |c| name_of(c) && ::JsonApiClient::Resource > c end end end private sig { returns(T.nilable(::JsonApiClient::Schema)) } def resource_schema schema = constant.schema # empty? does not exist on JsonApiClient::Schema schema if schema.size > 0 # rubocop:disable Style/ZeroLengthPredicate end sig do params( mod: RBI::Scope, property: ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Property, ).void end def generate_methods_for_property(mod, property) type = type_for(property) name = mod.create_method(name, return_type: type) mod.create_method("#{name}=", parameters: [create_param(name, type: type)], return_type: type) end sig { params(property: ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Property).returns(String) } def type_for(property) type = ::JsonApiClient::Schema::TypeFactory.type_for(property.type) return "T.untyped" if type.nil? sorbet_type = if type.respond_to?(:sorbet_type) line, file = type.method(:sorbet_type).source_location $stderr.puts <<~MESSAGE WARNING: `#sorbet_type` is deprecated. Please rename your method to `#__tapioca_type`." Defined on line #{line} of #{file} MESSAGE type.sorbet_type elsif type.respond_to?(:__tapioca_type) type.__tapioca_type elsif type == ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Types::Integer "::Integer" elsif type == ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Types::String "::String" elsif type == ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Types::Float "::Float" elsif type == ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Types::Time "::Time" elsif type == ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Types::Decimal "::BigDecimal" elsif type == ::JsonApiClient::Schema::Types::Boolean "T::Boolean" else "T.untyped" end if property.default.nil? as_nilable_type(sorbet_type) else sorbet_type end end sig do params( mod: RBI::Scope, association: JsonApiClient::Associations::BaseAssociation, ).void end def generate_methods_for_association(mod, association) # If the association is broken, it will raise a NameError when trying to access the association_class klass = association.association_class name, type = case association when ::JsonApiClient::Associations::BelongsTo::Association # id must be a string: # [association.param.to_s, "T.nilable(::String)"] when ::JsonApiClient::Associations::HasOne::Association [association.attr_name.to_s, "T.nilable(#{klass})"] when ::JsonApiClient::Associations::HasMany::Association [association.attr_name.to_s, "T.nilable(T::Array[#{klass}])"] else return # Unsupported association type end mod.create_method(name, return_type: type) mod.create_method("#{name}=", parameters: [create_param(name, type: type)], return_type: type) end end end end end