class ViewComponent::Base

def inherited(child)

Other tags:
    Private: -
def inherited(child)
  # Compile so child will inherit compiled `call_*` template methods that
  # `compile` defines
  # Give the child its own personal #render_template_for to protect against the case when
  # eager loading is disabled and the parent component is rendered before the child. In
  # such a scenario, the parent will override ViewComponent::Base#render_template_for,
  # meaning it will not be called for any children and thus not compile their templates.
  if !child.instance_methods(false).include?(:render_template_for) && !child.compiled?
    child.class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
      def render_template_for(variant = nil, format = nil)
        # Force compilation here so the compiler always redefines render_template_for.
        # This is mostly a safeguard to prevent infinite recursion.
        self.class.compile(raise_errors: true, force: true)
        # .compile replaces this method; call the new one
        render_template_for(variant, format)
  # If Rails application is loaded, add application url_helpers to the component context
  # we need to check this to use this gem as a dependency
  if defined?(Rails) && Rails.application && !(child < Rails.application.routes.url_helpers)
    child.include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
  # Derive the source location of the component Ruby file from the call stack.
  # We need to ignore `inherited` frames here as they indicate that `inherited`
  # has been re-defined by the consuming application, likely in ApplicationComponent.
  # We use `base_label` method here instead of `label` to avoid cases where the method
  # owner is included in a prefix like `ApplicationComponent.inherited`.
  child.identifier = caller_locations(1, 10).reject { |l| l.base_label == "inherited" }[0].path
  # If Rails application is loaded, removes the first part of the path and the extension.
  if defined?(Rails) && Rails.application
    child.virtual_path = child.identifier.gsub(
      /(.*#{Regexp.quote(ViewComponent::Base.config.view_component_path)})|(\.rb)/, ""
  # Set collection parameter to the extended component
  child.with_collection_parameter provided_collection_parameter
  if instance_methods(false).include?(:render_template_for)
    vc_ancestor_calls = defined?(@__vc_ancestor_calls) ? @__vc_ancestor_calls.dup : []
    child.instance_variable_set(:@__vc_ancestor_calls, vc_ancestor_calls)