module ActionController::Live
def process(name)
def process(name) t1 = Thread.current locals = { |key| [key, t1[key]] } error = nil # This processes the action in a child thread. It lets us return the # response code and headers back up the Rack stack, and still process # the body in parallel with sending data to the client. new_controller_thread { ActiveSupport::Dependencies.interlock.running do t2 = Thread.current # Since we're processing the view in a different thread, copy the # thread locals from the main thread to the child thread. :'( locals.each { |k, v| t2[k] = v } ActiveSupport::IsolatedExecutionState.share_with(t1) begin super(name) rescue => e if @_response.committed? begin if request.format == :html rescue => exception log_error(exception) ensure log_error(e) end else error = e end ensure @_response.commit! end end } ActiveSupport::Dependencies.interlock.permit_concurrent_loads do @_response.await_commit end raise error if error end