module ActionController::ParameterEncoding::ClassMethods

def skip_parameter_encoding(action)

must handle data but encoding of the data is unknown, like file system data.
encoded as ASCII-8BIT. This is useful in the case where an application
The show action in the above controller would have all parameter values

@repositories = Repository.all
def index

@repo_name = params[:repo_name].force_encoding 'UTF-8'
# tag it as such
# `repo_name` is guaranteed to be UTF-8, but was ASCII-8BIT, so

@repo = Repository.find_by_filesystem_path params[:file_path]
def show

skip_parameter_encoding :show
class RepositoryController < ActionController::Base

For example, a controller would use it like this:

ASCII-8BIT (it "skips" the encoding default of UTF-8).
Specify that a given action's parameters should all be encoded as
def skip_parameter_encoding(action)
  @_parameter_encodings[action.to_s] = { Encoding::ASCII_8BIT }