# frozen_string_literal: truemoduleActiveRecord# = Active Record Errors## Generic Active Record exception class.classActiveRecordError<StandardErrorend# Raised when trying to use a feature in Active Record which requires Active Job but the gem is not present.classActiveJobRequiredError<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when the single-table inheritance mechanism fails to locate the subclass# (for example due to improper usage of column that# {ActiveRecord::Base.inheritance_column}[rdoc-ref:ModelSchema::ClassMethods#inheritance_column]# points to).classSubclassNotFound<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when an object assigned to an association has an incorrect type.## class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base# has_many :patches# end## class Patch < ActiveRecord::Base# belongs_to :ticket# end## # Comments are not patches, this assignment raises AssociationTypeMismatch.# @ticket.patches << Comment.new(content: "Please attach tests to your patch.")classAssociationTypeMismatch<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when unserialized object's type mismatches one specified for serializable field.classSerializationTypeMismatch<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when adapter not specified on connection (or configuration file# +config/database.yml+ misses adapter field).classAdapterNotSpecified<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when a model makes a query but it has not specified an associated table.classTableNotSpecified<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when Active Record cannot find database adapter specified in# +config/database.yml+ or programmatically.classAdapterNotFound<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when connection to the database could not been established (for example when# {ActiveRecord::Base.connection=}[rdoc-ref:ConnectionHandling#connection]# is given a +nil+ object).classConnectionNotEstablished<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when a connection could not be obtained within the connection# acquisition timeout period: because max connections in pool# are in use.classConnectionTimeoutError<ConnectionNotEstablishedend# Raised when connection to the database could not been established because it was not# able to connect to the host or when the authorization failed.classDatabaseConnectionError<ConnectionNotEstablisheddefinitialize(message=nil)super(message||"Database connection error")endclass<<selfdefhostname_error(hostname)DatabaseConnectionError.new(<<~MSG)
There is an issue connecting with your hostname: #{hostname}.\n
Please check your database configuration and ensure there is a valid connection to your database.
There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: #{username}.\n
Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid.
MSGendendend# Raised when a pool was unable to get ahold of all its connections# to perform a "group" action such as# {ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.disconnect!}[rdoc-ref:ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool#disconnect!]# or {ActiveRecord::Base.clear_reloadable_connections!}[rdoc-ref:ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHandler#clear_reloadable_connections!].classExclusiveConnectionTimeoutError<ConnectionTimeoutErrorend# Raised when a write to the database is attempted on a read only connection.classReadOnlyError<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when Active Record cannot find a record by given id or set of ids.classRecordNotFound<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:model,:primary_key,:iddefinitialize(message=nil,model=nil,primary_key=nil,id=nil)@primary_key=primary_key@model=model@id=idsuper(message)endend# Raised by {ActiveRecord::Base#save!}[rdoc-ref:Persistence#save!] and# {ActiveRecord::Base.create!}[rdoc-ref:Persistence::ClassMethods#create!]# methods when a record is invalid and cannot be saved.classRecordNotSaved<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:recorddefinitialize(message=nil,record=nil)@record=recordsuper(message)endend# Raised by {ActiveRecord::Base#destroy!}[rdoc-ref:Persistence#destroy!]# when a call to {#destroy}[rdoc-ref:Persistence#destroy]# would return false.## begin# complex_operation_that_internally_calls_destroy!# rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed => invalid# puts invalid.record.errors# end#classRecordNotDestroyed<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:recorddefinitialize(message=nil,record=nil)@record=recordsuper(message)endend# Raised when Active Record finds multiple records but only expected one.classSoleRecordExceeded<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:recorddefinitialize(record=nil)@record=recordsuper"Wanted only one #{record&.name||"record"}"endend# Superclass for all database execution errors.## Wraps the underlying database error as +cause+.classStatementInvalid<ActiveRecordErrordefinitialize(message=nil,sql: nil,binds: nil)super(message||$!&.message)@sql=sql@binds=bindsendattr_reader:sql,:bindsend# Defunct wrapper class kept for compatibility.# StatementInvalid wraps the original exception now.classWrappedDatabaseException<StatementInvalidend# Raised when a record cannot be inserted or updated because it would violate a uniqueness constraint.classRecordNotUnique<WrappedDatabaseExceptionend# Raised when a record cannot be inserted or updated because it references a non-existent record,# or when a record cannot be deleted because a parent record references it.classInvalidForeignKey<WrappedDatabaseExceptionend# Raised when a foreign key constraint cannot be added because the column type does not match the referenced column type.classMismatchedForeignKey<StatementInvaliddefinitialize(message: nil,sql: nil,binds: nil,table: nil,foreign_key: nil,target_table: nil,primary_key: nil,primary_key_column: nil)iftabletype=primary_key_column.bigint??:bigint:primary_key_column.typemsg=<<~EOM.squish
Column `#{foreign_key}` on table `#{table}` does not match column `#{primary_key}` on `#{target_table}`,
which has type `#{primary_key_column.sql_type}`.
To resolve this issue, change the type of the `#{foreign_key}` column on `#{table}` to be :#{type}.
(For example `t.#{type} :#{foreign_key}`).
There is a mismatch between the foreign key and primary key column types.
Verify that the foreign key column type and the primary key of the associated table match types.
EOMendifmessagemsg<<"\nOriginal message: #{message}"endsuper(msg,sql: sql,binds: binds)endend# Raised when a record cannot be inserted or updated because it would violate a not null constraint.classNotNullViolation<StatementInvalidend# Raised when a record cannot be inserted or updated because a value too long for a column type.classValueTooLong<StatementInvalidend# Raised when values that executed are out of range.classRangeError<StatementInvalidend# Raised when the number of placeholders in an SQL fragment passed to# {ActiveRecord::Base.where}[rdoc-ref:QueryMethods#where]# does not match the number of values supplied.## For example, when there are two placeholders with only one value supplied:## Location.where("lat = ? AND lng = ?", 53.7362)classPreparedStatementInvalid<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when a given database does not exist.classNoDatabaseError<StatementInvalidincludeActiveSupport::ActionableErroraction"Create database"doActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.create_currentenddefinitialize(message=nil)super(message||"Database not found")endclass<<selfdefdb_error(db_name)NoDatabaseError.new(<<~MSG)
We could not find your database: #{db_name}. Which can be found in the database configuration file located at config/database.yml.
To resolve this issue:
- Did you create the database for this app, or delete it? You may need to create your database.
- Has the database name changed? Check your database.yml config has the correct database name.
To create your database, run:\n\n bin/rails db:create
MSGendendend# Raised when creating a database if it exists.classDatabaseAlreadyExists<StatementInvalidend# Raised when PostgreSQL returns 'cached plan must not change result type' and# we cannot retry gracefully (e.g. inside a transaction)classPreparedStatementCacheExpired<StatementInvalidend# Raised on attempt to save stale record. Record is stale when it's being saved in another query after# instantiation, for example, when two users edit the same wiki page and one starts editing and saves# the page before the other.## Read more about optimistic locking in ActiveRecord::Locking module# documentation.classStaleObjectError<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:record,:attempted_actiondefinitialize(record=nil,attempted_action=nil)ifrecord&&attempted_action@record=record@attempted_action=attempted_actionsuper("Attempted to #{attempted_action} a stale object: #{record.class.name}.")elsesuper("Stale object error.")endendend# Raised when association is being configured improperly or user tries to use# offset and limit together with# {ActiveRecord::Base.has_many}[rdoc-ref:Associations::ClassMethods#has_many] or# {ActiveRecord::Base.has_and_belongs_to_many}[rdoc-ref:Associations::ClassMethods#has_and_belongs_to_many]# associations.classConfigurationError<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised on attempt to update record that is instantiated as read only.classReadOnlyRecord<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised on attempt to lazily load records that are marked as strict loading.classStrictLoadingViolationError<ActiveRecordErrorend# {ActiveRecord::Base.transaction}[rdoc-ref:Transactions::ClassMethods#transaction]# uses this exception to distinguish a deliberate rollback from other exceptional situations.# Normally, raising an exception will cause the# {.transaction}[rdoc-ref:Transactions::ClassMethods#transaction] method to rollback# the database transaction *and* pass on the exception. But if you raise an# ActiveRecord::Rollback exception, then the database transaction will be rolled back,# without passing on the exception.## For example, you could do this in your controller to rollback a transaction:## class BooksController < ActionController::Base# def create# Book.transaction do# book = Book.new(params[:book])# book.save!# if today_is_friday?# # The system must fail on Friday so that our support department# # won't be out of job. We silently rollback this transaction# # without telling the user.# raise ActiveRecord::Rollback# end# end# # ActiveRecord::Rollback is the only exception that won't be passed on# # by ActiveRecord::Base.transaction, so this line will still be reached# # even on Friday.# redirect_to root_url# end# endclassRollback<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when attribute has a name reserved by Active Record (when attribute# has name of one of Active Record instance methods).classDangerousAttributeError<ActiveRecordErrorend# Raised when unknown attributes are supplied via mass assignment.UnknownAttributeError=ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError# Raised when an error occurred while doing a mass assignment to an attribute through the# {ActiveRecord::Base#attributes=}[rdoc-ref:AttributeAssignment#attributes=] method.# The exception has an +attribute+ property that is the name of the offending attribute.classAttributeAssignmentError<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:exception,:attributedefinitialize(message=nil,exception=nil,attribute=nil)super(message)@exception=exception@attribute=attributeendend# Raised when there are multiple errors while doing a mass assignment through the# {ActiveRecord::Base#attributes=}[rdoc-ref:AttributeAssignment#attributes=]# method. The exception has an +errors+ property that contains an array of AttributeAssignmentError# objects, each corresponding to the error while assigning to an attribute.classMultiparameterAssignmentErrors<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:errorsdefinitialize(errors=nil)@errors=errorsendend# Raised when a primary key is needed, but not specified in the schema or model.classUnknownPrimaryKey<ActiveRecordErrorattr_reader:modeldefinitialize(model=nil,description=nil)ifmodelmessage="Unknown primary key for table #{model.table_name} in model #{model}."message+="\n#{description}"ifdescription@model=modelsuper(message)elsesuper("Unknown primary key.")endendend# Raised when a relation cannot be mutated because it's already loaded.## class Task < ActiveRecord::Base# end## relation = Task.all# relation.loaded? # => true## # Methods which try to mutate a loaded relation fail.# relation.where!(title: 'TODO') # => ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelation# relation.limit!(5) # => ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelationclassImmutableRelation<ActiveRecordErrorend# TransactionIsolationError will be raised under the following conditions:## * The adapter does not support setting the isolation level# * You are joining an existing open transaction# * You are creating a nested (savepoint) transaction## The mysql2 and postgresql adapters support setting the transaction isolation level.classTransactionIsolationError<ActiveRecordErrorend# TransactionRollbackError will be raised when a transaction is rolled# back by the database due to a serialization failure or a deadlock.## See the following:## * https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/transaction-iso.html# * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-errors/en/server-error-reference.html#error_er_lock_deadlockclassTransactionRollbackError<StatementInvalidend# AsynchronousQueryInsideTransactionError will be raised when attempting# to perform an asynchronous query from inside a transactionclassAsynchronousQueryInsideTransactionError<ActiveRecordErrorend# SerializationFailure will be raised when a transaction is rolled# back by the database due to a serialization failure.classSerializationFailure<TransactionRollbackErrorend# Deadlocked will be raised when a transaction is rolled# back by the database when a deadlock is encountered.classDeadlocked<TransactionRollbackErrorend# IrreversibleOrderError is raised when a relation's order is too complex for# +reverse_order+ to automatically reverse.classIrreversibleOrderError<ActiveRecordErrorend# Superclass for errors that have been aborted (either by client or server).classQueryAborted<StatementInvalidend# LockWaitTimeout will be raised when lock wait timeout exceeded.classLockWaitTimeout<StatementInvalidend# StatementTimeout will be raised when statement timeout exceeded.classStatementTimeout<QueryAbortedend# QueryCanceled will be raised when canceling statement due to user request.classQueryCanceled<QueryAbortedend# AdapterTimeout will be raised when database clients times out while waiting from the server.classAdapterTimeout<QueryAbortedend# UnknownAttributeReference is raised when an unknown and potentially unsafe# value is passed to a query method. For example, passing a non column name# value to a relation's #order method might cause this exception.## When working around this exception, caution should be taken to avoid SQL# injection vulnerabilities when passing user-provided values to query# methods. Known-safe values can be passed to query methods by wrapping them# in Arel.sql.## For example, the following code would raise this exception:## Post.order("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz') asc").pluck(:id)## The desired result can be accomplished by wrapping the known-safe string# in Arel.sql:## Post.order(Arel.sql("REPLACE(title, 'misc', 'zzzz') asc")).pluck(:id)## Again, such a workaround should *not* be used when passing user-provided# values, such as request parameters or model attributes to query methods.classUnknownAttributeReference<ActiveRecordErrorendend