class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool

def checkout(checkout_timeout = @checkout_timeout)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def checkout: (?Float checkout_timeout) -> ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter

This signature was generated using 6 samples from 1 application.

- ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError no connection can be obtained from the pool.

Returns: an AbstractAdapter object.

size limit set), an ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError exception will be raised.
number of currently leased connections is greater than or equal to the
If all connections are leased and the pool is at capacity (meaning the

creating a new connection and leasing it.
This is done by either returning and leasing existing connection, or by

to use it. You should call #checkin when you no longer need this.
Check-out a database connection from the pool, indicating that you want
def checkout(checkout_timeout = @checkout_timeout)