class ActiveStorage::Analyzer::AudioAnalyzer
This analyzer requires the FFmpeg system library, which is not provided by Rails.
# => { duration: 5.0, bit_rate: 320340 }
Extracts duration (seconds) and bit_rate (bits/s) from an audio blob.
def self.accept?(blob)
def self.accept?(blob) end
def audio_stream
def audio_stream @audio_stream ||= streams.detect { |stream| stream["codec_type"] == "audio" } || {} end
def bit_rate
def bit_rate bit_rate = audio_stream["bit_rate"] Integer(bit_rate) if bit_rate end
def duration
def duration duration = audio_stream["duration"] Float(duration) if duration end
def ffprobe_path
def ffprobe_path ActiveStorage.paths[:ffprobe] || "ffprobe" end
def metadata
def metadata { duration: duration, bit_rate: bit_rate }.compact end
def probe
def probe @probe ||= download_blob_to_tempfile { |file| probe_from(file) } end
def probe_from(file)
def probe_from(file) instrument(File.basename(ffprobe_path)) do IO.popen([ ffprobe_path, "-print_format", "json", "-show_streams", "-show_format", "-v", "error", file.path ]) do |output| JSON.parse( end end rescue Errno::ENOENT "Skipping audio analysis because ffprobe isn't installed" {} end
def streams
def streams probe["streams"] || [] end