class ActiveStorage::Analyzer::ImageAnalyzer::ImageMagick
the ImageMagick system library.
This analyzer relies on the third-party MiniMagick gem. MiniMagick requires
def self.accept?(blob)
def self.accept?(blob) super && ActiveStorage.variant_processor == :mini_magick end
def read_image
def read_image begin require "mini_magick" rescue LoadError "Skipping image analysis because the mini_magick gem isn't installed" return {} end download_blob_to_tempfile do |file| image = instrument("mini_magick") do end if image.valid? yield image else "Skipping image analysis because ImageMagick doesn't support the file" {} end rescue MiniMagick::Error => error logger.error "Skipping image analysis due to an ImageMagick error: #{error.message}" {} end end
def rotated_image?(image)
def rotated_image?(image) %w[ RightTop LeftBottom TopRight BottomLeft ].include?(image["%[orientation]"]) end