class ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore
an in-memory cache inside of a block.
FileStore implements the Strategy::LocalCache strategy which implements
A cache store implementation which stores everything on the filesystem.
def self.supports_cache_versioning?
def self.supports_cache_versioning? true end
def cleanup(options = nil)
def cleanup(options = nil) options = merged_options(options) search_dir(cache_path) do |fname| entry = read_entry(fname, **options) delete_entry(fname, **options) if entry && entry.expired? end end
def clear(options = nil)
file store directory except for .keep or .gitkeep. Be careful which directory is specified in your
Deletes all items from the cache. In this case it deletes all the entries in the specified
def clear(options = nil) root_dirs = (Dir.children(cache_path) - GITKEEP_FILES) FileUtils.rm_r(root_dirs.collect { |f| File.join(cache_path, f) }) rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTEMPTY end
def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Decrements an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache.
def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil) modify_value(name, -amount, options) end
def delete_empty_directories(dir)
def delete_empty_directories(dir) return if File.realpath(dir) == File.realpath(cache_path) if Dir.children(dir).empty? Dir.delete(dir) rescue nil delete_empty_directories(File.dirname(dir)) end end
def delete_entry(key, **options)
def delete_entry(key, **options) if File.exist?(key) begin File.delete(key) delete_empty_directories(File.dirname(key)) true rescue # Just in case the error was caused by another process deleting the file first. raise if File.exist?(key) false end end end
def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil)
def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil) options = merged_options(options) instrument(:delete_matched, matcher.inspect) do matcher = key_matcher(matcher, options) search_dir(cache_path) do |path| key = file_path_key(path) delete_entry(path, **options) if key.match(matcher) end end end
def ensure_cache_path(path)
def ensure_cache_path(path) FileUtils.makedirs(path) unless File.exist?(path) end
def file_path_key(path)
def file_path_key(path) fname = path[cache_path.to_s.size..-1].split(File::SEPARATOR, 4).last URI.decode_www_form_component(fname, Encoding::UTF_8) end
def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Increments an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache.
def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil) modify_value(name, amount, options) end
def initialize(cache_path, **options)
def initialize(cache_path, **options) super(options) @cache_path = cache_path.to_s end
def lock_file(file_name, &block)
def lock_file(file_name, &block) if File.exist?(file_name), "r+") do |f| f.flock File::LOCK_EX yield ensure f.flock File::LOCK_UN end else yield end end
def modify_value(name, amount, options)
Modifies the amount of an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache.
def modify_value(name, amount, options) file_name = normalize_key(name, options) lock_file(file_name) do options = merged_options(options) if num = read(name, options) num = num.to_i + amount write(name, num, options) num end end end
def normalize_key(key, options)
def normalize_key(key, options) key = super fname = URI.encode_www_form_component(key) if fname.size > FILEPATH_MAX_SIZE fname = ActiveSupport::Digest.hexdigest(key) end hash = Zlib.adler32(fname) hash, dir_1 = hash.divmod(0x1000) dir_2 = hash.modulo(0x1000) # Make sure file name doesn't exceed file system limits. if fname.length < FILENAME_MAX_SIZE fname_paths = fname else fname_paths = [] begin fname_paths << fname[0, FILENAME_MAX_SIZE] fname = fname[FILENAME_MAX_SIZE..-1] end until fname.blank? end File.join(cache_path, DIR_FORMATTER % dir_1, DIR_FORMATTER % dir_2, fname_paths) end
def read_entry(key, **options)
def read_entry(key, **options) if payload = read_serialized_entry(key, **options) entry = deserialize_entry(payload) entry if entry.is_a?(Cache::Entry) end end
def read_serialized_entry(key, **)
def read_serialized_entry(key, **) File.binread(key) if File.exist?(key) rescue => error logger.error("FileStoreError (#{error}): #{error.message}") if logger nil end
def search_dir(dir, &callback)
def search_dir(dir, &callback) return if !File.exist?(dir) Dir.each_child(dir) do |d| name = File.join(dir, d) if search_dir(name, &callback) else name end end end
def write_entry(key, entry, **options)
def write_entry(key, entry, **options) write_serialized_entry(key, serialize_entry(entry, **options), **options) end
def write_serialized_entry(key, payload, **options)
def write_serialized_entry(key, payload, **options) return false if options[:unless_exist] && File.exist?(key) ensure_cache_path(File.dirname(key)) File.atomic_write(key, cache_path) { |f| f.write(payload) } true end