class Puma::Binder
def initialize(log_writer, conf =
def initialize(log_writer, conf = @log_writer = log_writer @conf = conf @listeners = [] @inherited_fds = {} @activated_sockets = {} @unix_paths = [] @proto_env = { "rack.version".freeze => RACK_VERSION, "rack.errors".freeze => log_writer.stderr, "rack.multithread".freeze => conf.options[:max_threads] > 1, "rack.multiprocess".freeze => conf.options[:workers] >= 1, "rack.run_once".freeze => false, RACK_URL_SCHEME => conf.options[:rack_url_scheme], "SCRIPT_NAME".freeze => ENV['SCRIPT_NAME'] || "", # I'd like to set a default CONTENT_TYPE here but some things # depend on their not being a default set and inferring # it from the content. And so if i set it here, it won't # infer properly. "QUERY_STRING".freeze => "", SERVER_SOFTWARE => PUMA_SERVER_STRING, GATEWAY_INTERFACE => CGI_VER } @envs = {} @ios = [] end