class Rouge::Formatters::HTMLTable

def initialize(inner, opts={})

def initialize(inner, opts={})
  @inner = inner
  @start_line = opts.fetch(:start_line, 1)
  @line_format = opts.fetch(:line_format, '%i')
  @table_class = opts.fetch(:table_class, 'rouge-table')
  @gutter_class = opts.fetch(:gutter_class, 'rouge-gutter')
  @code_class = opts.fetch(:code_class, 'rouge-code')

def stream(tokens, &b)

def stream(tokens, &b)
  last_val = nil
  num_lines = tokens.reduce(0) {|count, (_, val)| count + (last_val = val).count(?\n) }
  formatted = @inner.format(tokens)
  unless last_val && last_val.end_with?(?\n)
    num_lines += 1
    formatted << ?\n
  # generate a string of newline-separated line numbers for the gutter>
  formatted_line_numbers = (@start_line..(@start_line + num_lines - 1)).map do |i|
    sprintf(@line_format, i)
  end.join(?\n) << ?\n
  buffer = [%(<table class="#@table_class"><tbody><tr>)]
  # the "gl" class applies the style for Generic.Lineno
  buffer << %(<td class="#@gutter_class gl">)
  buffer << %(<pre class="lineno">#{formatted_line_numbers}</pre>)
  buffer << '</td>'
  buffer << %(<td class="#@code_class"><pre>)
  buffer << formatted
  buffer << '</pre></td>'
  buffer << '</tr></tbody></table>'
  yield buffer.join

def style(scope)

def style(scope)
  yield %(#{scope} .rouge-table { border-spacing: 0 })
  yield %(#{scope} .rouge-gutter { text-align: right })