class Rouge::Lexers::Livescript
def self.builtins
def self.builtins @builtins ||= Javascript.builtins + %w(this it that arguments) end
def self.constants
def self.constants @constants ||= Javascript.constants + %w(yes no on off void) end
def self.declarations
def self.declarations @declarations ||= %w(const let var function class extends implements) end
def self.detect?(text)
def self.detect?(text) return text.shebang? 'lsc' end
def self.keywords
def self.keywords @keywords ||= %w( loop until for in of while break return continue switch case fallthrough default otherwise when then if unless else throw try catch finally new delete typeof instanceof super by from to til with require do debugger import export yield ) end
def self.loop_control_keywords
def self.loop_control_keywords @loop_control_keywords ||= %w(break continue) end