
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The SFC licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

module Selenium
  module WebDriver
    class Element
      ELEMENT_KEY = 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf'

      include SearchContext
      include TakesScreenshot

      # Creates a new Element
      # @api private

      def initialize(bridge, id)
        @bridge = bridge
        @id = id

      def inspect
        format '#<%<class>s:0x%<hash>x id=%<id>s>', class: self.class, hash: hash * 2, id: @id.inspect

      def ==(other)
        other.is_a?(self.class) && ref == other.ref
      alias eql? ==

      def hash
        [@id, @bridge].hash

      # Click this element. If this causes a new page to load, this method will
      # attempt to block until the page has loaded.  At this point, you should
      # discard all references to this element and any further operations
      # performed on this element will raise a StaleElementReferenceError
      # unless you know that the element and the page will still be present. If
      # click() causes a new page to be loaded via an event or is done by
      # sending a native event then the method will *not* wait for it to be
      # loaded and the caller should verify that a new page has been loaded.
      # There are some preconditions for an element to be clicked.  The element
      # must be visible and it must have a height and width greater then 0.
      # Equivalent to:
      # @example Click on a button
      #    driver.find_element(tag_name: "button").click
      # @raise [StaleElementReferenceError] if the element no longer exists as
      #  defined

      def click
        bridge.click_element @id

      # Get the tag name of the element.
      # @example Get the tagname of an INPUT element(returns "input")
      #    driver.find_element(xpath: "//input").tag_name
      # @return [String] The tag name of this element.

      def tag_name
        bridge.element_tag_name @id

      # This method attempts to provide the most likely desired current value for the attribute
      # of the element, even when that desired value is actually a JavaScript property.
      # It is implemented with a custom JavaScript atom. To obtain the exact value of the attribute or property,
      # use #dom_attribute or #property methods respectively.
      # More exactly, this method will return the value of the property with the given name,
      # if it exists. If it does not, then the value of the attribute with the given name is returned.
      # If neither exists, null is returned.
      # The "style" attribute is converted as best can be to a text representation with a trailing semicolon.
      # The following are deemed to be "boolean" attributes, and will return either "true" or "false":
      # async, autofocus, autoplay, checked, compact, complete, controls, declare, defaultchecked,
      # defaultselected, defer, disabled, draggable, ended, formnovalidate, hidden, indeterminate,
      # iscontenteditable, ismap, itemscope, loop, multiple, muted, nohref, noresize, noshade, novalidate,
      # nowrap, open, paused, pubdate, readonly, required, reversed, scoped, seamless, seeking,
      # selected, spellcheck, truespeed, willvalidate
      # Finally, the following commonly mis-capitalized attribute/property names are evaluated as expected:
      # When the value of "class" is requested, the "className" property is returned.
      # When the value of "readonly" is requested, the "readOnly" property is returned.
      # @param [String] name attribute name
      # @return [String, nil] attribute value
      # @see #dom_attribute
      # @see #property

      def attribute(name)
        bridge.element_attribute self, name

      # Gets the value of a declared HTML attribute of this element.
      # As opposed to the #attribute method, this method
      # only returns attributes declared in the element's HTML markup.
      # If the attribute is not set, nil is returned.
      # @param [String] name attribute name
      # @return [String, nil] attribute value
      # @see #attribute
      # @see #property

      def dom_attribute(name)
        bridge.element_dom_attribute @id, name

      # Gets the value of a JavaScript property of this element
      # This will return the current value,
      # even if this has been modified after the page has been loaded.
      # If the value is not set, nil is returned.
      # @param [String] name property name
      # @return [String, nil] property value

      def property(name)
        bridge.element_property @id, name

      # Gets the computed WAI-ARIA role of element
      # @return [String]

      def aria_role
        bridge.element_aria_role @id

      # Gets the computed WAI-ARIA label of element.
      # @return [String]

      def accessible_name
        bridge.element_aria_label @id

      # Get the text content of this element
      # @return [String]

      def text
        bridge.element_text @id

      # Send keystrokes to this element
      # @param [String, Symbol, Array] args keystrokes to send
      # Examples:
      #     element.send_keys "foo"                     #=> value: 'foo'
      #     element.send_keys "tet", :arrow_left, "s"   #=> value: 'test'
      #     element.send_keys [:control, 'a'], :space   #=> value: ' '
      # @see Keys::KEYS

      def send_keys(*args)
        bridge.send_keys_to_element @id, Keys.encode(args)
      alias send_key send_keys

      # If this element is a text entry element, this will clear the value. Has no effect on other
      # elements. Text entry elements are INPUT and TEXTAREA elements.
      # Note that the events fired by this event may not be as you'd expect.  In particular, we don't
      # fire any keyboard or mouse events.  If you want to ensure keyboard events are
      # fired, consider using #send_keys with the backspace key. To ensure you get a change event,
      # consider following with a call to #send_keys with the tab key.

      def clear
        bridge.clear_element @id

      # Is the element enabled?
      # @return [Boolean]

      def enabled?
        bridge.element_enabled? @id

      # Is the element selected?
      # @return [Boolean]

      def selected?
        bridge.element_selected? @id

      # Is the element displayed?
      # @return [Boolean]

      def displayed?
        bridge.element_displayed? self

      # Submit this element

      def submit
        bridge.submit_element @id

      # Get the value of the given CSS property
      # Note that shorthand CSS properties (e.g. background, font, border, border-top, margin,
      # margin-top, padding, padding-top, list-style, outline, pause, cue) are not returned,
      # in accordance with the DOM CSS2 specification - you should directly access the longhand
      # properties (e.g. background-color) to access the desired values.
      # @see

      def css_value(prop)
        bridge.element_value_of_css_property @id, prop
      alias style css_value

      # Get the location of this element.
      # @return [WebDriver::Point]

      def location
        bridge.element_location @id

      # Get the dimensions and coordinates of this element.
      # @return [WebDriver::Rectangle]

      def rect
        bridge.element_rect @id

      # Determine an element's location on the screen once it has been scrolled into view.
      # @return [WebDriver::Point]

      def location_once_scrolled_into_view
        bridge.element_location_once_scrolled_into_view @id

      # Get the size of this element
      # @return [WebDriver::Dimension]

      def size
        bridge.element_size @id

      # Returns the shadow root of an element.
      # @return [WebDriver::ShadowRoot]

      def shadow_root
        bridge.shadow_root @id

      #-------------------------------- sugar  --------------------------------

      #   element.first(id: 'foo')

      alias first find_element

      #   element.all(class: 'bar')

      alias all find_elements

      #   element['class'] or element[:class] #=> "someclass"
      alias [] attribute

      # @api private
      # @see SearchContext

      def ref
        [:element, @id]

      # Convert to a WebElement JSON Object for transmission over the wire.
      # @see
      # @api private

      def to_json(*)
        JSON.generate as_json

      # For Rails 3 -
      # @api private

      def as_json(*)
        @id.is_a?(Hash) ? @id : {ELEMENT_KEY => @id}


      attr_reader :bridge

      def selectable?
        tn = tag_name.downcase
        type = attribute(:type).to_s.downcase

        tn == 'option' || (tn == 'input' && %w[radio checkbox].include?(type))

      def screenshot
    end # Element
  end # WebDriver
end # Selenium