# frozen_string_literal: true
# Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
module Selenium
module WebDriver
module PointerActions
attr_writer :default_move_duration
# By default this is set to 250ms in the ActionBuilder constructor
# It can be overridden with default_move_duration=
def default_move_duration
@default_move_duration ||= @duration / 1000.0 # convert ms to seconds
# Presses (without releasing) at the current location of the PointerInput device. This is equivalent to:
# driver.action.click_and_hold(nil)
# @example Clicking and holding at the current location
# driver.action.pointer_down(:left).perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerPress::BUTTONS] button the button to press.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will be pressed
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def pointer_down(button = :left, device: nil, **opts)
button_action(button, :create_pointer_down, device: device, **opts)
# Releases the pressed mouse button at the current mouse location of the PointerInput device.
# @example Releasing a button after clicking and holding
# driver.action.pointer_down(:left).pointer_up(:left).perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerPress::BUTTONS] button the button to release.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button that will
# be released
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def pointer_up(button = :left, device: nil, **opts)
button_action(button, :create_pointer_up, device: device, **opts)
# Moves the pointer to the in-view center point of the given element.
# Then the pointer is moved to optional offset coordinates.
# The element is not scrolled into view.
# MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError will be raised if element with offset is outside the viewport
# When using offsets, both coordinates need to be passed.
# @example Move the pointer to element
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.move_to(el).perform
# @example
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.move_to(el, 100, 100).perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] element to move to.
# @param [Integer] right_by Optional offset from the in-view center of the
# element. A negative value means coordinates to the left of the center.
# @param [Integer] down_by Optional offset from the in-view center of the
# element. A negative value means coordinates to the top of the center.
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def move_to(element, right_by = nil, down_by = nil, **opts)
pointer = pointer_input(opts.delete(:device))
pointer.create_pointer_move(duration: opts.delete(:duration) || default_move_duration,
x: right_by || 0,
y: down_by || 0,
origin: element,
# Moves the pointer from its current position by the given offset.
# The viewport is not scrolled if the coordinates provided are outside the viewport.
# MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError will be raised if the offsets are outside the viewport
# @example Move the pointer to a certain offset from its current position
# driver.action.move_by(100, 100).perform
# @param [Integer] right_by horizontal offset. A negative value means moving the pointer left.
# @param [Integer] down_by vertical offset. A negative value means moving the pointer up.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device to move
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
# @raise [MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError] if the provided offset is outside the document's boundaries.
def move_by(right_by, down_by, device: nil, duration: default_move_duration, **opts)
pointer = pointer_input(device)
pointer.create_pointer_move(duration: duration,
x: Integer(right_by),
y: Integer(down_by),
origin: Interactions::PointerMove::POINTER,
# Moves the pointer to a given location in the viewport.
# The viewport is not scrolled if the coordinates provided are outside the viewport.
# MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError will be raised if the offsets are outside the viewport
# @example Move the pointer to a certain position in the viewport
# driver.action.move_to_location(100, 100).perform
# @param [Integer] x horizontal position. Equivalent to a css 'left' value.
# @param [Integer] y vertical position. Equivalent to a css 'top' value.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device to move
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
# @raise [MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError] if the provided x or y value is outside the document's boundaries.
def move_to_location(x, y, device: nil, duration: default_move_duration, **opts)
pointer = pointer_input(device)
pointer.create_pointer_move(duration: duration,
x: Integer(x),
y: Integer(y),
origin: Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT,
# Clicks (without releasing) in the middle of the given element. This is
# equivalent to:
# driver.action.move_to(element).click_and_hold
# @example Clicking and holding on some element
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.click_and_hold(el).perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] element the element to move to and click.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device to click with
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def click_and_hold(element = nil, button: nil, device: nil)
move_to(element, device: device) if element
pointer_down(button || :left, device: device)
# Releases the depressed left mouse button at the current mouse location.
# @example Releasing an element after clicking and holding it
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.click_and_hold(el).release.perform
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will be released
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def release(button: nil, device: nil)
pointer_up(button || :left, device: device)
# Clicks in the middle of the given element. Equivalent to:
# driver.action.move_to(element).click
# When no element is passed, the current mouse position will be clicked.
# @example Clicking on an element
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.click(el).perform
# @example Clicking at the current mouse position
# driver.action.click.perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] element An optional element to click.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will be clicked
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def click(element = nil, button: nil, device: nil)
move_to(element, device: device) if element
pointer_down(button || :left, device: device)
pointer_up(button || :left, device: device)
# Performs a double-click at middle of the given element. Equivalent to:
# driver.action.move_to(element).double_click
# When no element is passed, the current mouse position will be double-clicked.
# @example Double-click an element
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.double_click(el).perform
# @example Double-clicking at the current mouse position
# driver.action.double_click.perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] element An optional element to move to.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will be double-clicked
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def double_click(element = nil, device: nil)
move_to(element, device: device) if element
click(device: device)
click(device: device)
# Performs a context-click at middle of the given element. First performs
# a move_to to the location of the element.
# When no element is passed, the current mouse position will be context-clicked.
# @example Context-click at middle of given element
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id")
# driver.action.context_click(el).perform
# @example Context-clicking at the current mouse position
# driver.action.context_click.perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] element An element to context click.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will be context-clicked
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def context_click(element = nil, device: nil)
click(element, button: :right, device: device)
# A convenience method that performs click-and-hold at the location of the
# source element, moves to the location of the target element, then
# releases the mouse.
# @example Drag and drop one element onto another
# el1 = driver.find_element(id: "some_id1")
# el2 = driver.find_element(id: "some_id2")
# driver.action.drag_and_drop(el1, el2).perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] source element to emulate button down at.
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] target element to move to and release the
# mouse at.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will perform the drag and drop
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def drag_and_drop(source, target, device: nil)
click_and_hold(source, device: device)
move_to(target, device: device)
release(device: device)
# A convenience method that performs click-and-hold at the location of
# the source element, moves by a given offset, then releases the mouse.
# @example Drag and drop an element by offset
# el = driver.find_element(id: "some_id1")
# driver.action.drag_and_drop_by(el, 100, 100).perform
# @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] source Element to emulate button down at.
# @param [Integer] right_by horizontal move offset.
# @param [Integer] down_by vertical move offset.
# @param [Symbol || String] device optional name of the PointerInput device with the button
# that will perform the drag and drop
# @return [ActionBuilder] A self reference.
def drag_and_drop_by(source, right_by, down_by, device: nil)
click_and_hold(source, device: device)
move_by(right_by, down_by, device: device)
release(device: device)
def button_action(button, action, device: nil, **opts)
pointer = pointer_input(device)
pointer.send(action, button, **opts)
def pointer_input(name = nil)
device(name: name, type: Interactions::POINTER) || add_pointer_input(:mouse, 'mouse')
end # PointerActions
end # WebDriver
end # Selenium