class Sus::Config

def print_test_feedback(output, assertions)

def print_test_feedback(output, assertions)
	duration = @clock.duration
	rate = assertions.count / duration
	total =
	count = assertions.count
	if total < 10 or count < 10
		output.puts "😭 You should write more tests and assertions!"
		# Statistics will be less meaningful with such a small amount of data, so give up:
	# Check whether there is at least, on average, one assertion (or more) per test:
	assertions_per_test = assertions.count /
	if assertions_per_test < 1.0
		output.puts "😩 Your tests don't have enough assertions (#{assertions_per_test.round(1)} < 1.0)!"
	# Give some feedback about the number of tests:
	if total < 20
		output.puts "🥲 You should write more tests (#{total}/20)!"
	elsif total < 50
		output.puts "🙂 Your test suite is starting to shape up, keep on at it (#{total}/50)!"
	elsif total < 100
		output.puts "😀 Your test suite is maturing, keep on at it (#{total}/100)!"
		output.puts "🤩 Your test suite is amazing!"
	# Give some feedback about the performance of the tests:
	if rate < 10.0
		output.puts "💔 Ouch! Your test suite performance is painful (#{rate.round(1)} < 10)!"
	elsif rate < 100.0
		output.puts "💩 Oops! Your test suite performance could be better (#{rate.round(1)} < 100)!"
	elsif rate < 1_000.0
		output.puts "💪 Good job! Your test suite has good performance (#{rate.round(1)} < 1000)!"
	elsif rate < 10_000.0
		output.puts "🎉 Great job! Your test suite has excellent performance (#{rate.round(1)} < 10000)!"
		output.puts "🔥 Wow! Your test suite has outstanding performance (#{rate.round(1)} >= 10000.0)!"