module YARD::Parser::Ruby

def s(*args)

Other tags:
    See: AstNode#initialize -

  • (AstNode) - a node of type +type+.
  • (AstNode) - an implicit node where node.type == +:list+

  • opts (Hash) -- any extra options to set on the object
  • children (Array) -- any child nodes inside this one
  • type (Symbol) -- the node type
  • opts (Hash) -- any extra options (docstring, file, source) to
  • nodes (Array) -- a list of nodes.

  • s(type, *children, opts = {})
  • s(*nodes, opts = {})

Other tags:
    Example: A method call -
    Example: An implicit list of keywords -
def s(*args)
  type = Symbol === args.first ? args.shift : :list
  opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {}
  AstNode.node_class_for(type).new(type, args, opts)