module YARD::Templates::Helpers::MethodHelper
def format_args(object)
- formatted arguments for a method
def format_args(object) return if object.parameters.nil? params = object.parameters if object.has_tag?(:yield) || object.has_tag?(:yieldparam) params.reject! do |param| param[0].to_s[0, 1] == "&" && !object.tags(:param).any? {|t| == param[0][1..-1] } end end if params.empty? "" else args = do |n, v| v ? "#{n}#{n[-1, 1] == ':' ? '' : ' ='} #{v}" : n.to_s end.join(", ") h("(#{args})") end end
def format_block(object)
- formatted block if one exists
def format_block(object) if object.has_tag?(:yield) && object.tag(:yield).types params = object.tag(:yield).types elsif object.has_tag?(:yieldparam) params = object.tags(:yieldparam).map(&:name) elsif object.has_tag?(:yield) return "{ ... }" else params = nil end params ? h("{|" + params.join(", ") + "| ... }") : "" end
def format_code(object, _show_lines = false)
- formats source of an object
def format_code(object, _show_lines = false) i = -1 lines = object.source.split(/\n/) longestline = (object.line + lines.size).to_s.length do |line| lineno = object.line + (i += 1) (" " * (longestline - lineno.to_s.length)) + lineno.to_s + " " + line end.join("\n") end
def format_constant(value)
- formats source code of a constant value
def format_constant(value) # last can return nil, so default to empty string sp = value.split("\n").last || "" sp = sp[/^(\s+)/, 1] num = sp ? sp.size : 0 html_syntax_highlight value.gsub(/^\s{#{num}}/, '') end
def format_lines(object)
- formats line numbers for source code of an object
def format_lines(object) return "" if object.source.nil? || object.line.nil? i = -1 object.source.split(/\n/).map { object.line + (i += 1) }.join("\n") end
def format_return_types(object)
- formatted and linked return types for a method
def format_return_types(object) return unless object.has_tag?(:return) && object.tag(:return).types return if object.tag(:return).types.empty? format_types [object.tag(:return).types.first], false end