module YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers
def favicon?
- finalizes an empty body if the path matches
def favicon? return unless request.path == '/favicon.ico' headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png' self.status = 200 self.body = '' raise FinishRequest end
def find_file(adapter, url)
def find_file(adapter, url) # this const was defined in StaticFileCommand originally static_paths = StaticFileCommand::STATIC_PATHS file = nil ([adapter.document_root] + static_paths.reverse).compact.each do |path_prefix| file = File.join(path_prefix, url) break if File.exist?(file) file = nil end # Search in default/fulldoc/html template if nothing in static asset paths assets_template = Templates::Engine.template(:default, :fulldoc, :html) file || assets_template.find_file(url) end
def static_template_file?
- if a file was found and served
def static_template_file? # this const was defined in StaticFileCommand originally default_mime_types = StaticFileCommand::DefaultMimeTypes file = find_file(adapter, path) if file ext = "." + (path[/\.(\w+)$/, 1] || "html") headers['Content-Type'] = mime_type(ext, default_mime_types) self.body = raise FinishRequest end end