module AASM class Configuration # for all persistence layers: which database column to use? attr_accessor :column # let's cry if the transition is invalid attr_accessor :whiny_transitions # for all persistence layers: create named scopes for each state attr_accessor :create_scopes # for ActiveRecord: when the model is invalid, true -> raise, false -> return false attr_accessor :whiny_persistence # for ActiveRecord: store the new state even if the model is invalid and return true attr_accessor :skip_validation_on_save # for ActiveRecord: use transactions attr_accessor :use_transactions # for ActiveRecord: use requires_new for nested transactions? attr_accessor :requires_new_transaction # for ActiveRecord: use pessimistic locking attr_accessor :requires_lock # automatically set `"#{state_name}_at" =` on state changes attr_accessor :timestamps # forbid direct assignment in aasm_state column (in ActiveRecord) attr_accessor :no_direct_assignment # allow a AASM::Base sub-class to be used for state machine attr_accessor :with_klass attr_accessor :enum # namespace reader methods and constants attr_accessor :namespace # Configure a logger, with default being a Logger to STDERR attr_accessor :logger class << self attr_accessor :hide_warnings end end end