class ActionView::Template

def compile!(view)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

type ActionView__Template_compile!_view = #<Class:0x000000010fd1fb40> | #<Class:0x0000000110baf520> | #<Class:0x000000010c3a67d8> | #<Class:0x00000001088d00a0> | #<Class:0x00000001397bbff8> | #<Class:0x0000000122fe7b30> | #<Class:0x0000000117c74300> | #<Class:0x000000011a97a8e0>

def compile!: (ActionView__Template_compile!_view view) -> nil

This signature was generated using 9 samples from 1 application.

just once and removes the source after it is compiled.
Compile a template. This method ensures a template is compiled
def compile!(view)
  return if @compiled
  # Templates can be used concurrently in threaded environments
  # so compilation and any instance variable modification must
  # be synchronized
  @compile_mutex.synchronize do
    # Any thread holding this lock will be compiling the template needed
    # by the threads waiting. So re-check the @compiled flag to avoid
    # re-compilation
    return if @compiled
    mod = view.compiled_method_container
    instrument("!compile_template") do
    @compiled = true