class ActionView::Template
def locals_code
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def locals_code: () -> String
This signature was generated using 2 samples from 2 applications.
def locals_code # Only locals with valid variable names get set directly. Others will # still be available in local_assigns. locals = @locals - Module::RUBY_RESERVED_KEYWORDS deprecated_locals = locals.grep(/\A@+/) if deprecated_locals.any? ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<~MSG) Passing instance variables to `render` is deprecated. In Rails 7.1, #{deprecated_locals.to_sentence} will be ignored. MSG locals = locals.grep(/\A@?(?![A-Z0-9])(?:[[:alnum:]_]|[^\0-\177])+\z/) else locals = locals.grep(/\A(?![A-Z0-9])(?:[[:alnum:]_]|[^\0-\177])+\z/) end # Assign for the same variable is to suppress unused variable warning locals.each_with_object(+"") { |key, code| code << "#{key} = local_assigns[:#{key}]; #{key} = #{key};" } end