module ActiveSupport::Rescuable::ClassMethods
def rescue_with_handler(exception, object: self, visited_exceptions: [])
rescue_with_handler(exception) || raise
rescue => exception
# ...
Be sure to re-raise unhandled exceptions if this is what you expect.
cause, this returns +nil+, so you can deal with unhandled exceptions.
(optional) +exception.cause+. If no handler matches the exception or its
If no handler matches the exception, check for a handler matching the
Matches an exception to a handler based on the exception class.
def rescue_with_handler(exception, object: self, visited_exceptions: []) visited_exceptions << exception if handler = handler_for_rescue(exception, object: object) exception exception elsif exception if visited_exceptions.include?(exception.cause) nil else rescue_with_handler(exception.cause, object: object, visited_exceptions: visited_exceptions) end end end