class Net::SSH::Authentication::Agent
some SSH2 functionality (like signing data).
This means that although it behaves like a SSH1 client, it also has
behavior of the ssh-agent functions in the OpenSSH library (3.8).
does not implement any specific protocol, but instead copies the
This class implements a simple client for the ssh-agent protocol. It
def self.connect(logger = nil, agent_socket_factory = nil, identity_agent = nil)
Instantiates a new agent object, connects to a running SSH agent,
def self.connect(logger = nil, agent_socket_factory = nil, identity_agent = nil) agent = new(logger) agent.connect!(agent_socket_factory, identity_agent) agent.negotiate! agent end
def add_identity(priv_key, comment, lifetime: nil, confirm: false)
If confirm is true, confirmation will be required for each agent signing
If lifetime is given, the key will automatically be removed after lifetime
Adds the private key with comment to the agent.
def add_identity(priv_key, comment, lifetime: nil, confirm: false) constraints = if lifetime constraints.write_byte(SSH_AGENT_CONSTRAIN_LIFETIME) constraints.write_long(lifetime) end constraints.write_byte(SSH_AGENT_CONSTRAIN_CONFIRM) if confirm req_type = constraints.empty? ? SSH2_AGENT_ADD_IDENTITY : SSH2_AGENT_ADD_ID_CONSTRAINED type, = send_and_wait(req_type, :string, priv_key.ssh_type, :raw, blob_for_add(priv_key), :string, comment, :raw, constraints) raise AgentError, "could not add identity to agent" if type != SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS end
def agent_failed(type)
Returns +true+ if the parameter indicates a "failure" response from
def agent_failed(type) type == SSH_AGENT_FAILURE || type == SSH2_AGENT_FAILURE || type == SSH_COM_AGENT2_FAILURE end
def blob_for_add(priv_key)
def blob_for_add(priv_key) # Ideally we'd have something like `to_private_blob` on the various key types, but the # nuances with encoding (e.g. `n` and `e` are reversed for RSA keys) make this impractical. case priv_key.ssh_type when /^ssh-dss$/ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:bignum, priv_key.p, :bignum, priv_key.q, :bignum, priv_key.g, :bignum, priv_key.pub_key, :bignum, priv_key.priv_key).to_s when /^ssh-dss-cert-v01@openssh\.com$/ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:string, priv_key.to_blob, :bignum, priv_key.key.priv_key).to_s when /^ecdsa\-sha2\-(\w*)$/ curve_name = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::CurveNameAliasInv[] Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:string, curve_name, :mstring, priv_key.public_key.to_bn.to_s(2), :bignum, priv_key.private_key).to_s when /^ecdsa\-sha2\-(\w*)-cert-v01@openssh\.com$/ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:string, priv_key.to_blob, :bignum, priv_key.key.private_key).to_s when /^ssh-ed25519$/ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:string, priv_key.public_key.verify_key.to_bytes, :string, priv_key.sign_key.keypair).to_s when /^ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh\.com$/ # Unlike the other certificate types, the public key is included after the certifiate. Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:string, priv_key.to_blob, :string, priv_key.key.public_key.verify_key.to_bytes, :string, priv_key.key.sign_key.keypair).to_s when /^ssh-rsa$/ # `n` and `e` are reversed compared to the ordering in `OpenSSL::PKey::RSA#to_blob`. Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:bignum, priv_key.n, :bignum, priv_key.e, :bignum, priv_key.d, :bignum, priv_key.iqmp, :bignum, priv_key.p, :bignum, priv_key.q).to_s when /^ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh\.com$/ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:string, priv_key.to_blob, :bignum, priv_key.key.d, :bignum, priv_key.key.iqmp, :bignum, priv_key.key.p, :bignum, priv_key.key.q).to_s end end
def close
Closes this socket. This agent reference is no longer able to
def close @socket.close end
def connect!(agent_socket_factory = nil, identity_agent = nil)
socket reports that it is an SSH2-compatible agent, this will fail
given by the attribute writers. If the agent on the other end of the
Connect to the agent process using the socket factory and socket name
def connect!(agent_socket_factory = nil, identity_agent = nil) debug { "connecting to ssh-agent" } @socket = if agent_socket_factory elsif identity_agent elsif ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] && unix_socket_class['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'])) elsif Gem.win_platform? && RUBY_ENGINE != "jruby" else raise AgentNotAvailable, "Agent not configured" end rescue StandardError => e error { "could not connect to ssh-agent: #{e.message}" } raise AgentNotAvailable, $!.message end
def identities
Each key returned is augmented with a +comment+ property which is set
Return an array of all identities (public keys) known to the agent.
def identities type, body = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_REQUEST_IDENTITIES) raise AgentError, "could not get identity count" if agent_failed(type) raise AgentError, "bad authentication reply: #{type}" if type != SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER identities = [] body.read_long.times do key_str = body.read_string comment_str = body.read_string begin key = if key.nil? error { "ignoring invalid key: #{comment_str}" } next end key.extend(Comment) key.comment = comment_str identities.push key rescue NotImplementedError => e error { "ignoring unimplemented key:#{e.message} #{comment_str}" } end end return identities end
def initialize(logger = nil)
Creates a new Agent object, using the optional logger instance to
def initialize(logger = nil) self.logger = logger end
def lock(password)
def lock(password) type, = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_LOCK, :string, password) raise AgentError, "could not lock agent" if type != SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS end
def negotiate!
Attempts to negotiate the SSH agent protocol version. Raises an error
def negotiate! # determine what type of agent we're communicating with type, body = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_REQUEST_VERSION, :string, Transport::ServerVersion::PROTO_VERSION) raise AgentNotAvailable, "SSH2 agents are not yet supported" if type == SSH2_AGENT_VERSION_RESPONSE if type == SSH2_AGENT_FAILURE debug { "Unexpected response type==#{type}, this will be ignored" } elsif type != SSH_AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER1 && type != SSH_AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER2 raise AgentNotAvailable, "unknown response from agent: #{type}, #{body.to_s.inspect}" end end
def read_packet
tuple consisting of the packet type, and the packet's body (which
Read the next packet from the agent. This will return a two-part
def read_packet buffer = buffer.append( type = buffer.read_byte debug { "received agent packet #{type} len #{buffer.length - 4}" } return type, buffer end
def remove_all_identities
def remove_all_identities type, = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_REMOVE_ALL_IDENTITIES) raise AgentError, "could not remove all identity from agent" if type != SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS end
def remove_identity(key)
def remove_identity(key) type, = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_REMOVE_IDENTITY, :string, key.to_blob) raise AgentError, "could not remove identity from agent" if type != SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS end
def send_and_wait(type, *args)
Send the given packet and return the subsequent reply from the agent.
def send_and_wait(type, *args) send_packet(type, *args) read_packet end
def send_packet(type, *args)
def send_packet(type, *args) buffer = Buffer.from(*args) data = [buffer.length + 1, type.to_i, buffer.to_s].pack("NCA*") debug { "sending agent request #{type} len #{buffer.length}" } @socket.send data, 0 end
def sign(key, data, flags = 0)
Using the agent and the given public key, sign the given data. The
def sign(key, data, flags = 0) type, reply = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_REQUEST, :string, Buffer.from(:key, key), :string, data, :long, flags) raise AgentError, "agent could not sign data with requested identity" if agent_failed(type) raise AgentError, "bad authentication response #{type}" if type != SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE return reply.read_string end
def unix_socket_class
def unix_socket_class defined?(UNIXSocket) && UNIXSocket end
def unlock(password)
def unlock(password) type, = send_and_wait(SSH2_AGENT_UNLOCK, :string, password) raise AgentError, "could not unlock agent" if type != SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS end