module Net::SSH::Test
def assert_scripted
been built, and the SSH commands being tested are then executed within
processed. Typically, this is called immediately after a story has
and then asserts that all items described in the script have been
First asserts that a story has been described (see #story). Then yields,
def assert_scripted raise "there is no script to be processed" if Net::SSH::Test::Extensions::IO.with_test_extension { yield } assert, "there should not be any remaining scripted events, but there are still" \ "#{} pending" end
def connection(options = {})
in these tests. It is a fully functional SSH session, operating over
Returns the connection session (Net::SSH::Connection::Session) for use
def connection(options = {}) @connection ||=, options) end
def socket(options = {})
Returns the test socket instance to use for these tests (see
def socket(options = {}) @socket ||= end
def story
If a block is given, yields the script for the test socket (#socket).
def story Net::SSH::Test::Extensions::IO.with_test_extension { yield socket.script if block_given? } return socket.script end
def transport(options = {})
in these tests. It is a fully functional SSH transport session, operating
Returns the transport session (Net::SSH::Transport::Session) for use
def transport(options = {}) @transport ||= options[:host] || "localhost", options.merge(kex: "test", host_key: "ssh-rsa", append_all_supported_algorithms: true, verify_host_key: :never, proxy: socket(options)) ) end