class Net::SSH::Test::Script
channel = script.opens_channel
story do |script|
Net::SSH::Test#story helper method:
A reference to a script. is generally obtained in a unit test via the
events for packets being received by the local from the remote host.
sent from the local to the remote host, and methods named “gets_*” create
a test expects. Methods named “sends_*” create events for packets being
Represents a sequence of scripted events that identify the behavior that
def gets(type, *args)
A convenience method for adding an arbitrary remote packet to the events
def gets(type, *args) events <<, *args) end
def gets_channel_close(channel)
the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be
Scripts the reception of a channel close packet from the remote host by
def gets_channel_close(channel) events <<, channel.local_id) end
def gets_channel_data(channel, data)
the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be
Scripts the reception of a channel data packet from the remote host by
def gets_channel_data(channel, data) events <<, channel.local_id, data) end
def gets_channel_eof(channel)
the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be
Scripts the reception of a channel EOF packet from the remote host by
def gets_channel_eof(channel) events <<, channel.local_id) end
def gets_channel_extended_data(channel, data)
be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#gets_extended_data.
host by the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically
Scripts the reception of a channel extended data packet from the remote
def gets_channel_extended_data(channel, data) events <<, channel.local_id, 1, data) end
def gets_channel_request(channel, request, reply, data)
the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be
Scripts the reception of a channel request packet from the remote host by
def gets_channel_request(channel, request, reply, data) events <<, channel.local_id, request, reply, data) end
def initialize
def initialize @events = [] end
def next(mode = :shift)
# peek at the next event
event =
# remove the next event and return it
list, by passing :first as the argument.
this can also be used to non-destructively peek at the next event in the
By default, removes the next event in the list and returns it. However,
def next(mode = :shift) events.send(mode) end
def opens_channel(confirm = true)
A new Net::SSH::Test::Channel instance is returned, which can be used
adding a remote packet confirming the new channel.
channel open request, and if +confirm+ is true (the default), also
Scripts the opening of a channel by adding a local packet sending the
def opens_channel(confirm = true) channel = channel.remote_id = 5555 events << { |p| channel.local_id = p[:remote_id] } events <<, channel.local_id, channel.remote_id, 0x20000, 0x10000) if confirm channel end
def process(packet)
no next event, an exception will be raised. This is called by
Compare the given packet against the next event in the list. If there is
def process(packet) event = events.shift or raise "end of script reached, but got a packet type #{packet.read_byte}" event.process(packet) end
def sends(type, *args, &block)
A convenience method for adding an arbitrary local packet to the events
def sends(type, *args, &block) events <<, *args, &block) end
def sends_channel_close(channel)
Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be called via
Scripts the sending of a channel close packet from the given
def sends_channel_close(channel) events <<, channel.remote_id) end
def sends_channel_data(channel, data)
expect will be sent.
Net::SSH::Test::Channel object, and +data+ is the (string) data to
Scripts the sending of a channel data packet. +channel+ must be a
def sends_channel_data(channel, data) events <<, channel.remote_id, data) end
def sends_channel_eof(channel)
Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be called via
Scripts the sending of a channel EOF packet from the given
def sends_channel_eof(channel) events <<, channel.remote_id) end
def sends_channel_request(channel, request, reply, data, success = true)
This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#sends_exec or
if +success+ is true, or :channel_failure if +success+ is false.
If a reply is desired, a remote packet will also be queued, :channel_success
success or failure. If +data+ is an array it will be treated as multiple
+success+ indicates whether the response (if one is required) should be
is any additional request-specific data that this packet should send.
indicating whether a response to this packet is required , and +data+
is a string naming the request type to send, +reply+ is a boolean
+channel+ should be an instance of Net::SSH::Test::Channel. +request+
Scripts the sending of a new channel request packet to the remote host.
def sends_channel_request(channel, request, reply, data, success = true) if data.is_a? Array events <<, channel.remote_id, request, reply, *data) else events <<, channel.remote_id, request, reply, data) end if reply if success events <<, channel.local_id) else events <<, channel.local_id) end end end
def sends_channel_request_pty(channel)
Net::SSH::Test::Channel +channel+. This will typically be called via
Scripts the sending of a channel request pty packets from the given
def sends_channel_request_pty(channel) data = ['pty-req', false] data += Net::SSH::Connection::Channel::VALID_PTY_OPTIONS.merge(modes: "\0").values events <<, channel.remote_id, *data) end