class Net::SSH::Packet

never need to use this class directly.
protocol-level manipulation or are extending Net::SSH in some way, you’ll
This is used exclusively internally by Net::SSH, and unless you’re doing
p packet[:want_reply]
p packet[:request]
p packet.type #-> 98 (CHANNEL_REQUEST)
packet =
data = some_channel_request_packet
be accessed via the #[] accessor.
packet types. It auto-parses those packet types, and allows them to
A specialization of Buffer that knows the format of certain common

def self.register(type, *pairs)

register DISCONNECT, [:reason_code, :long], [:description, :string], [:language, :string]

and the second is the type.
tuples, where the first element of each tuple is the name of the field,
The +pairs+ parameter must be either empty, or an array of two-element

will not be autoparsed.
Net::SSH::Packet. Note that any packet type that is not preregistered
Register a new packet type that should be recognized and auto-parsed by
def self.register(type, *pairs)
  @@types[type] = pairs

def [](name)

element by the given name exists.
Access one of the auto-parsed fields by name. Raises an error if no
def [](name)
  name = name.to_sym
  raise ArgumentError, "no such element #{name}" unless @named_elements.key?(name)

def initialize(payload)

using the methods provided in the Net::SSH::Buffer superclass.
Packet.register; otherwise, the packet will need to be manually parsed
parse the packet if it is one that has been previously registered with
Create a new packet from the given payload. This will automatically
def initialize(payload)
  @named_elements = {}
  @type = read_byte

def instantiate!

by the registered format for the packet.
Parse the packet's contents and assign the named elements, as described
def instantiate!
  (@@types[type] || []).each do |name, datatype|
    @named_elements[name.to_sym] = if datatype == :buffer