class Puma::Rack::Options
def handler_opts(options)
def handler_opts(options) begin info = [] server = Rack::Handler.get(options[:server]) || Rack::Handler.default(options) if server&.respond_to?(:valid_options) info << "" info << "Server-specific options for #{}:" has_options = false server.valid_options.each do |name, description| next if /^(Host|Port)[^a-zA-Z]/.match? name.to_s # ignore handler's host and port options, we do our own. info << " -O %-21s %s" % [name, description] has_options = true end return "" if !has_options end info.join("\n") rescue NameError return "Warning: Could not find handler specified (#{options[:server] || 'default'}) to determine handler-specific options" end end