class Puma::Rack::Options
def parse!(args)
def parse!(args) options = {} opt_parser ="", 24, ' ') do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: rackup [ruby options] [rack options] [rackup config]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Ruby options:" lineno = 1 opts.on("-e", "--eval LINE", "evaluate a LINE of code") { |line| eval line, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "-e", lineno lineno += 1 } opts.on("-b", "--builder BUILDER_LINE", "evaluate a BUILDER_LINE of code as a builder script") { |line| options[:builder] = line } opts.on("-d", "--debug", "set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true)") { options[:debug] = true } opts.on("-w", "--warn", "turn warnings on for your script") { options[:warn] = true } opts.on("-q", "--quiet", "turn off logging") { options[:quiet] = true } opts.on("-I", "--include PATH", "specify $LOAD_PATH (may be used more than once)") { |path| (options[:include] ||= []).concat(path.split(":")) } opts.on("-r", "--require LIBRARY", "require the library, before executing your script") { |library| options[:require] = library } opts.separator "" opts.separator "Rack options:" opts.on("-s", "--server SERVER", "serve using SERVER (thin/puma/webrick/mongrel)") { |s| options[:server] = s } opts.on("-o", "--host HOST", "listen on HOST (default: localhost)") { |host| options[:Host] = host } opts.on("-p", "--port PORT", "use PORT (default: 9292)") { |port| options[:Port] = port } opts.on("-O", "--option NAME[=VALUE]", "pass VALUE to the server as option NAME. If no VALUE, sets it to true. Run '#{$0} -s SERVER -h' to get a list of options for SERVER") { |name| name, value = name.split('=', 2) value = true if value.nil? options[name.to_sym] = value } opts.on("-E", "--env ENVIRONMENT", "use ENVIRONMENT for defaults (default: development)") { |e| options[:environment] = e } opts.on("-P", "--pid FILE", "file to store PID") { |f| options[:pid] = ::File.expand_path(f) } opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" opts.on_tail("-h", "-?", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts puts handler_opts(options) exit end opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do puts "Rack #{Rack.version} (Release: #{Rack.release})" exit end end begin opt_parser.parse! args rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e warn e.message abort opt_parser.to_s end options[:config] = args.last if args.last options end