class Rails::Generators::ARGVScrubber
since it configures and mutates ARGV correctly.
This class should be called before the AppGenerator is required and started
requested, and also constructs the railsrc file (used for extra configuration
called. The class provides version or help information if they were
This class handles preparation of the arguments before the AppGenerator is
def self.default_rc_file
def self.default_rc_file xdg_config_home = ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"].presence || "~/.config" xdg_railsrc = File.expand_path("rails/railsrc", xdg_config_home) if File.exist?(xdg_railsrc) xdg_railsrc else File.expand_path("~/.railsrc") end end
def handle_invalid_command!(argument, argv)
def handle_invalid_command!(argument, argv) if argument == "new" yield else ["--help"] + argv.drop(1) end end
def handle_rails_rc!(argv)
def handle_rails_rc!(argv) if argv.find { |arg| arg == "--no-rc" } argv.reject { |arg| arg == "--no-rc" } else railsrc(argv) { |rc_argv, rc| insert_railsrc_into_argv!(rc_argv, rc) } end end
def handle_version_request!(argument)
def handle_version_request!(argument) if ["--version", "-v"].include?(argument) require "rails/version" puts "Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}" exit(0) end end
def initialize(argv = ARGV)
since it configures and mutates ARGV correctly.
This class should be called before the AppGenerator is required and started
requested, and also constructs the railsrc file (used for extra configuration
called. The class provides version or help information if they were
This class handles preparation of the arguments before the AppGenerator is
def initialize(argv = ARGV) @argv = argv end
def insert_railsrc_into_argv!(argv, railsrc)
def insert_railsrc_into_argv!(argv, railsrc) return argv unless File.exist?(railsrc) extra_args = read_rc_file railsrc argv.take(1) + extra_args + argv.drop(1) end
def prepare!
def prepare! handle_version_request!(@argv.first) handle_invalid_command!(@argv.first, @argv) do handle_rails_rc!(@argv.drop(1)) end end
def railsrc(argv)
def railsrc(argv) if (customrc = argv.index { |x| x.include?("--rc=") }) fname = File.expand_path(argv[customrc].gsub(/--rc=/, "")) yield(argv.take(customrc) + argv.drop(customrc + 1), fname) else yield argv, self.class.default_rc_file end end
def read_rc_file(railsrc)
def read_rc_file(railsrc) extra_args = File.readlines(railsrc).flat_map(&:split) puts "Using #{extra_args.join(" ")} from #{railsrc}" extra_args end