class Rails::Railtie::Configuration
def self.eager_load_namespaces # :nodoc:
Expose the eager_load_namespaces at "module" level for convenience.
def self.eager_load_namespaces # :nodoc: @@eager_load_namespaces ||= [] end
def after_initialize(&block)
def after_initialize(&block) ActiveSupport.on_load(:after_initialize, yield: true, &block) end
def app_generators
Values set on app_generators will become defaults for application, unless
This allows you to modify application's generators from Railties.
def app_generators @@app_generators ||= yield(@@app_generators) if block_given? @@app_generators end
def app_middleware
application once it is defined and the default_middlewares are
All operations you run on the app_middleware will be replayed on the
This allows you to modify the application's middlewares from Engines.
def app_middleware @@app_middleware ||= end
def before_configuration(&block)
def before_configuration(&block) ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_configuration, yield: true, &block) end
def before_eager_load(&block)
Third configurable block to run. Does not run if +config.eager_load+
def before_eager_load(&block) ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_eager_load, yield: true, &block) end
def before_initialize(&block)
def before_initialize(&block) ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_initialize, yield: true, &block) end
def eager_load_namespaces
def eager_load_namespaces @@eager_load_namespaces ||= [] end
def initialize
def initialize @@options ||= {} end
def method_missing(name, *args, &blk)
def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) if name.end_with?("=") @@options[:"#{name[0..-2]}"] = args.first elsif @@options.key?(name) @@options[name] else super end end
def respond_to?(name, include_private = false)
def respond_to?(name, include_private = false) super || @@options.key?(name.to_sym) end
def to_prepare(&blk)
Defines generic callbacks to run before #after_initialize. Useful for
def to_prepare(&blk) to_prepare_blocks << blk if blk end
def to_prepare_blocks
def to_prepare_blocks @@to_prepare_blocks ||= [] end
def watchable_dirs
The key of the hashes should be directories and the values should
Add directories that should be watched for change.
def watchable_dirs @@watchable_dirs ||= {} end
def watchable_files
def watchable_files @@watchable_files ||= [] end