class Rails::Generators::NamedBase
def self.check_class_collision(options = {}) # :doc:
the presence of "AdminDecorator".
If the generator is invoked with class name Admin, it will check for
check_class_collision suffix: "Decorator"
==== Examples
can supply a hash with a +:prefix+ or +:suffix+ to be tested.
Add a class collisions name to be checked on class initialization. You
def self.check_class_collision(options = {}) # :doc: define_method :check_class_collision do name = if respond_to?(:controller_class_name, true) # for ResourceHelpers controller_class_name else class_name end class_collisions "#{options[:prefix]}#{name}#{options[:suffix]}" end end
def application_name # :doc:
Tries to retrieve the application name or simply return application.
def application_name # :doc: if defined?(Rails) && Rails.application"::").first.underscore else "application" end end
def assign_names!(name)
def assign_names!(name) @class_path = name.include?("/") ? name.split("/") : name.split("::")!(&:underscore) @file_name = @class_path.pop end
def attributes_names # :doc:
def attributes_names # :doc: @attributes_names ||= attributes.each_with_object([]) do |a, names| names << a.column_name names << "password_confirmation" if a.password_digest? names << "#{}_type" if a.polymorphic? end end
def class_name # :doc:
def class_name # :doc: (class_path + [file_name]).map!(&:camelize).join("::") end
def class_path # :doc:
def class_path # :doc: inside_template? || !namespaced? ? regular_class_path : namespaced_class_path end
def edit_helper(...) # :doc:
def edit_helper(...) # :doc: "edit_#{show_helper(...)}" end
def file_path # :doc:
def file_path # :doc: @file_path ||= (class_path + [file_name]).join("/") end
def fixture_file_name # :doc:
def fixture_file_name # :doc: @fixture_file_name ||= (pluralize_table_names? ? plural_file_name : file_name) end
def human_name # :doc:
def human_name # :doc: @human_name ||= singular_name.humanize end
def i18n_scope # :doc:
def i18n_scope # :doc: @i18n_scope ||="/", ".") end
def index_helper(type: nil) # :doc:
def index_helper(type: nil) # :doc: [plural_route_name, ("index" if uncountable?), type].compact.join("_") end
def initialize(args, *options) # :nodoc:
def initialize(args, *options) # :nodoc: @inside_template = nil # Unfreeze name in case it's given as a frozen string args[0] = args[0].dup if args[0].is_a?(String) && args[0].frozen? super assign_names!(name) parse_attributes! if respond_to?(:attributes) end
def inside_template # :doc:
def inside_template # :doc: @inside_template = true yield ensure @inside_template = false end
def inside_template? # :doc:
def inside_template? # :doc: @inside_template end
def js_template(source, destination)
def js_template(source, destination) template(source + ".js", destination + ".js") end
def model_resource_name(base_name = singular_table_name, prefix: "") # :doc:
def model_resource_name(base_name = singular_table_name, prefix: "") # :doc: resource_name = "#{prefix}#{base_name}" if options[:model_name] "[#{ { |name| ":" + name }.join(", ")}, #{resource_name}]" else resource_name end end
def mountable_engine? # :doc:
def mountable_engine? # :doc: defined?(ENGINE_ROOT) && namespaced? end
def namespaced_class_path # :doc:
def namespaced_class_path # :doc: @namespaced_class_path ||= namespace_dirs + @class_path end
def new_helper(type: :url) # :doc:
def new_helper(type: :url) # :doc: "new_#{singular_route_name}_#{type}" end
def parse_attributes!
def parse_attributes! self.attributes = (attributes || []).map do |attr| Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute.parse(attr) end end
def plural_file_name # :doc:
def plural_file_name # :doc: @plural_file_name ||= file_name.pluralize end
def plural_name # :doc:
def plural_name # :doc: @plural_name ||= singular_name.pluralize end
def plural_route_name # :doc:
def plural_route_name # :doc: if options[:model_name] "#{controller_class_path.join('_')}_#{plural_table_name}" else plural_table_name end end
def plural_table_name # :doc:
def plural_table_name # :doc: @plural_table_name ||= (pluralize_table_names? ? table_name : table_name.pluralize) end
def pluralize_table_names? # :doc:
def pluralize_table_names? # :doc: !defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) || ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names end
def redirect_resource_name # :doc:
def redirect_resource_name # :doc: model_resource_name(prefix: "@") end
def regular_class_path # :doc:
def regular_class_path # :doc: @class_path end
def route_url # :doc:
def route_url # :doc: @route_url ||= controller_class_path.collect { |dname| "/" + dname }.join + "/" + plural_file_name end
def show_helper(arg = "@#{singular_table_name}", type: :url) # :doc:
def show_helper(arg = "@#{singular_table_name}", type: :url) # :doc: "#{singular_route_name}_#{type}(#{arg})" end
def singular_name # :doc:
this method public and add it to the task list.
FIXME: We are avoiding to use alias because a bug on thor that make
def singular_name # :doc: file_name end
def singular_route_name # :doc:
def singular_route_name # :doc: if options[:model_name] "#{controller_class_path.join('_')}_#{singular_table_name}" else singular_table_name end end
def singular_table_name # :doc:
def singular_table_name # :doc: @singular_table_name ||= (pluralize_table_names? ? table_name.singularize : table_name) end
def table_name # :doc:
def table_name # :doc: @table_name ||= begin base = pluralize_table_names? ? plural_name : singular_name (class_path + [base]).join("_") end end
def template(source, *args, &block)
def template(source, *args, &block) inside_template do Rails::Generators.add_generated_file(super) end end
def uncountable? # :doc:
def uncountable? # :doc: singular_name == plural_name end
def url_helper_prefix # :doc:
def url_helper_prefix # :doc: @url_helper_prefix ||= (class_path + [file_name]).join("_") end