# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class NesAsm < RegexLexer title "NesAsm" desc "Nesasm3 assembly (6502 asm)" tag 'nesasm' aliases 'nes' filenames '*.nesasm' def self.keywords @keywords ||= %w( ADC AND ASL BIT BRK CMP CPX CPY DEC EOR INC JMP JSR LDA LDX LDY LSR NOP ORA ROL ROR RTI RTS SBC STA STX STY TAX TXA DEX INX TAY TYA DEY INY BPL BMI BVC BVS BCC BCS BNE BEQ CLC SEC CLI SEI CLV CLD SED TXS TSX PHA PLA PHP PLP ) end def self.keywords_type @keywords_type ||= %w( DB DW BYTE WORD ) end def self.keywords_reserved @keywords_reserved ||= %w( INCBIN INCLUDE ORG BANK RSSET RS MACRO ENDM DS PROC ENDP PROCGROUP ENDPROCGROUP INCCHR DEFCHR ZP BSS CODE DATA IF IFDEF IFNDEF ELSE ENDIF FAIL INESPRG INESCHR INESMAP INESMIR FUNC ) end state :root do rule %r/\s+/m, Text rule %r(;.*), Comment::Single rule %r/[\(\)\,\.\[\]]/, Punctuation rule %r/\#?\%[0-1]+/, Num::Bin # #%00110011 %00110011 rule %r/\#?\$\h+/, Num::Hex # $1f #$1f rule %r/\#?\d+/, Num # 10 #10 rule %r([~&*+=\|?:<>/-]), Operator rule %r/\#?\w+:?/i do |m| name = m[0].upcase if self.class.keywords.include? name token Keyword elsif self.class.keywords_type.include? name token Keyword::Type elsif self.class.keywords_reserved.include? name token Keyword::Reserved else token Name::Function end end rule %r/\#?(?:LOW|HIGH)\(.*\)/i, Keyword::Reserved # LOW() #HIGH() rule %r/\#\(/, Punctuation # #() rule %r/"/, Str, :string rule %r/'\w'/, Str::Char # 'A' for example rule %r/\\\??[\d@#]/, Name::Builtin # builtin parameters for use inside macros and functions: \1-\9 , \?1-\?9 , \# , \@ end state :string do rule %r/"/, Str, :pop! rule %r/\\"?/, Str::Escape rule %r/[^"\\]+/m, Str end end end end