class YARD::Server::Adapter

def initialize(libs, opts = {}, server_opts = {})

Options Hash: (**opts)
  • :single_library (Boolean) -- whether to server documentation
  • :caching (Boolean) -- whether or not caching is enabled
  • :router (Class) -- the router class to initialize as the

  • opts (Hash) -- extra options to pass to the adapter
  • libs (Hash{String=>Array}) -- a list of libraries,
def initialize(libs, opts = {}, server_opts = {})
  self.libraries = libs
  self.options = opts
  self.server_options = server_opts
  self.document_root = server_options[:DocumentRoot]
  self.router = (options[:router] || Router).new(self)
  options[:adapter] = self
  log.debug "Serving libraries using #{self.class}: #{libraries.keys.join(', ')}"
  log.debug "Caching on" if options[:caching]
  log.debug "Document root: #{document_root}" if document_root