class YARP::ForNode
for i in a end
Represents the use of the ‘for` keyword.
def accept(visitor)
def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_for_node(self) end
def child_nodes
def child_nodes [index, collection, statements] end
def deconstruct_keys(keys)
def deconstruct_keys(keys) { index: index, collection: collection, statements: statements, for_keyword_loc: for_keyword_loc, in_keyword_loc: in_keyword_loc, do_keyword_loc: do_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc: end_keyword_loc, location: location } end
def do_keyword
def do_keyword do_keyword_loc&.slice end
def end_keyword
def end_keyword end_keyword_loc.slice end
def for_keyword
def for_keyword for_keyword_loc.slice end
def in_keyword
def in_keyword in_keyword_loc.slice end
def initialize(index, collection, statements, for_keyword_loc, in_keyword_loc, do_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, location)
def initialize(index, collection, statements, for_keyword_loc, in_keyword_loc, do_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, location) @index = index @collection = collection @statements = statements @for_keyword_loc = for_keyword_loc @in_keyword_loc = in_keyword_loc @do_keyword_loc = do_keyword_loc @end_keyword_loc = end_keyword_loc @location = location end