
Ruby API

The yarp gem provides a Ruby API for accessing the syntax tree.

For the most part, the API for accessing the tree mirrors that found in the Syntax Tree project. This means:

  • Walking the tree involves creating a visitor and passing it to the #accept method on any node in the tree
  • Nodes in the tree respond to named methods for accessing their children as well as #child_nodes
  • Nodes respond to the pattern matching interfaces #deconstruct and #deconstruct_keys

Every entry in config.yml will generate a Ruby class as well as the code that builds the nodes themselves.
Creating a syntax tree involves calling one of the class methods on the YARP module.
The full API is documented below.


  • YARP.dump(source, filepath) - parse the syntax tree corresponding to the given source string and filepath, and serialize it to a string. Filepath can be nil.
  • YARP.dump_file(filepath) - parse the syntax tree corresponding to the given source file and serialize it to a string
  • YARP.lex(source) - parse the tokens corresponding to the given source string and return them as an array within a parse result
  • YARP.lex_file(filepath) - parse the tokens corresponding to the given source file and return them as an array within a parse result
  • YARP.parse(source) - parse the syntax tree corresponding to the given source string and return it within a parse result
  • YARP.parse_file(filepath) - parse the syntax tree corresponding to the given source file and return it within a parse result
  • YARP.load(source, serialized) - load the serialized syntax tree using the source as a reference into a syntax tree