class YARP::LexCompat

generally lines up. However, there are a few cases that require special
of cases, this is a one-to-one mapping of the token type. Everything else
converting those tokens to be compatible with Ripper. In the vast majority
This class is responsible for lexing the source using YARP and then

def initialize(source, filepath = "")

def initialize(source, filepath = "")
  @source = source
  @filepath = filepath || ""

def result

def result
  tokens = []
  state = :default
  heredoc_stack = [[]]
  result = YARP.lex(source, @filepath)
  result_value = result.value
  previous_state = nil
  # If there's a UTF-8 byte-order mark as the start of the file, then ripper
  # sets every token's on the first line back by 6 bytes. It also keeps the
  # byte order mark in the first token's value. This is weird, and I don't
  # want to mirror that in our parser. So instead, we'll match up the values
  # here, and then match up the locations as we process the tokens.
  bom = source.bytes[0..2] == [0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF]
  result_value[0][0].value.prepend("\xEF\xBB\xBF") if bom
  result_value.each_with_index do |(token, lex_state), index|
    lineno = token.location.start_line
    column = token.location.start_column
    column -= index == 0 ? 6 : 3 if bom && lineno == 1
    event = RIPPER.fetch(token.type)
    value = token.value
    lex_state =
    token =
      case event
      when :on___end__[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
      when :on_comment[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
      when :on_heredoc_end
        # Heredoc end tokens can be emitted in an odd order, so we don't
        # want to bother comparing the state on them.[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
      when :on_embexpr_end, :on_ident
        if lex_state == Ripper::EXPR_END | Ripper::EXPR_LABEL
          # In the event that we're comparing identifiers, we're going to
          # allow a little divergence. Ripper doesn't account for local
          # variables introduced through named captures in regexes, and we
          # do, which accounts for this difference.
[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
      when :on_ignored_nl
        # Ignored newlines can occasionally have a LABEL state attached to
        # them which doesn't actually impact anything. We don't mirror that
        # state so we ignored it.[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
      when :on_regexp_end
        # On regex end, Ripper scans and then sets end state, so the ripper
        # lexed output is begin, when it should be end. YARP sets lex state
        # correctly to end state, but we want to be able to compare against
        # Ripper's lexed state. So here, if it's a regexp end token, we
        # output the state as the previous state, solely for the sake of
        # comparison.
        previous_token = result_value[index - 1][0]
        lex_state =
          if RIPPER.fetch(previous_token.type) == :on_embexpr_end
            # If the previous token is embexpr_end, then we have to do even
            # more processing. The end of an embedded expression sets the
            # state to the state that it had at the beginning of the
            # embedded expression. So we have to go and find that state and
            # set it here.
            counter = 1
            current_index = index - 1
            until counter == 0
              current_index -= 1
              current_event = RIPPER.fetch(result_value[current_index][0].type)
              counter += { on_embexpr_beg: -1, on_embexpr_end: 1 }[current_event] || 0
          end[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
      else[[lineno, column], event, value, lex_state])
    previous_state = lex_state
    # The order in which tokens appear in our lexer is different from the
    # order that they appear in Ripper. When we hit the declaration of a
    # heredoc in YARP, we skip forward and lex the rest of the content of
    # the heredoc before going back and lexing at the end of the heredoc
    # identifier.
    # To match up to ripper, we keep a small state variable around here to
    # track whether we're in the middle of a heredoc or not. In this way we
    # can shuffle around the token to match Ripper's output.
    case state
    when :default
      # The default state is when there are no heredocs at all. In this
      # state we can append the token to the list of tokens and move on.
      tokens << token
      # If we get the declaration of a heredoc, then we open a new heredoc
      # and move into the heredoc_opened state.
      if event == :on_heredoc_beg
        state = :heredoc_opened
        heredoc_stack.last <<
    when :heredoc_opened
      # The heredoc_opened state is when we've seen the declaration of a
      # heredoc and are now lexing the body of the heredoc. In this state we
      # push tokens onto the most recently created heredoc.
      heredoc_stack.last.last << token
      case event
      when :on_heredoc_beg
        # If we receive a heredoc declaration while lexing the body of a
        # heredoc, this means we have nested heredocs. In this case we'll
        # push a new heredoc onto the stack and stay in the heredoc_opened
        # state since we're now lexing the body of the new heredoc.
        heredoc_stack << []
      when :on_heredoc_end
        # If we receive the end of a heredoc, then we're done lexing the
        # body of the heredoc. In this case we now have a completed heredoc
        # but need to wait for the next newline to push it into the token
        # stream.
        state = :heredoc_closed
    when :heredoc_closed
      if %i[on_nl on_ignored_nl on_comment].include?(event) || (event == :on_tstring_content && value.end_with?("\n"))
        if heredoc_stack.size > 1
          flushing = heredoc_stack.pop
          heredoc_stack.last.last << token
          flushing.each do |heredoc|
            heredoc.to_a.each do |flushed_token|
              heredoc_stack.last.last << flushed_token
          state = :heredoc_opened
      elsif event == :on_heredoc_beg
        tokens << token
        state = :heredoc_opened
        heredoc_stack.last <<
      elsif heredoc_stack.size > 1
        heredoc_stack[-2].last << token
      heredoc_stack.last.each do |heredoc|
      state = :default
      tokens << token
  tokens.reject! { |t| t.event == :on_eof }
  # We sort by location to compare against Ripper's output
  if result_value.size - 1 > tokens.size
    raise StandardError, "Lost tokens when performing lex_compat"
  end, result.comments, result.errors, result.warnings, [])